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Create Pin. File:Marcel Duchamp Mona Lisa LHOOQ.jpg. Blam by Lichtenstein. Blam Artist Roy Lichtenstein painted ‘Blam’ in 1962 using the Benday dot technique, a printing process that consisted of numerous colored dots, which either stood alone or overlapped each other to create a picture.

Blam by Lichtenstein

This technique was very popular in producing the comic strips of the 1950’s and 1960’s. ‘Blam’ is a monumental painting depicting an airplane that has been shot down in the midst of war. The plane has been flipped over from the impact of the missile. The words of the same name as the painting are in bold red color amidst the yellow, red and black of the fire. The painting’s creation is based on the early war comics produced in 1962, more specifically on the “All American Men of War” Issue number 89, by Russ Heath in January –February of that same year. Analysis and Quotes. Banksy 'No Ball Games' Andy Warhol. Campbell's Soup Cans. 1962. Publication Excerpt: The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA Highlights, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, revised 2004, originally published 1999, p. 260 "I don't think art should be only for the select few," Warhol believed, "I think it should be for the mass of the American people.

Andy Warhol. Campbell's Soup Cans. 1962

" Like other Pop artists, Warhol used images of already proven appeal to huge audiences: comic strips, ads, photographs of rock-music and movie stars, tabloid news shots. In Campbell's Soup Cans he reproduced an object of mass consumption in the most literal sense. When he first exhibited these canvases—there are thirty-two of them, the number of soup varieties Campbell's then sold—each one simultaneously hung from the wall, like a painting, and stood on a shelf, like groceries in a store. Repeating the same image at the same scale, the canvases stress the uniformity and ubiquity of the Campbell's can. Gallery Text: Andy Warhol: Campbell's Soup Cans and Other Works, 1953–1967 April 25–October 18, 2015. Googles billedresultat for. Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Art Gallery.

Questions for Postmodern Pictures.docx - Google Dokumenter. An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories - Brunetti, Ivan. Edited by Ivan Brunetti Named one of the Best Books of 2006 by the St.

An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories - Brunetti, Ivan

Louis Post-Dispatch A Book Sense pick for December 2006. Selected as a 2007 "Outstanding" book by Association of American University Presses (AAUP) University Press Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries Click here to listen to an interview with Ivan Brunetti on the Yale Press Podcast. Click here to listen to an interview with the author on the Yale Press Podcast. Comic artist Ivan Brunetti, the creator of Schizo, offers a best-of anthology of contemporary art comics, along with some classic comic strips and other historical materials that have retained a “modern” sensibility. Brunetti offers selections from the works of more than seventy-five avant-garde comic artists. Ivan Brunetti is the creator of the comic Schizo, published by Fantagraphics, of which four issues have appeared.

Scott McCloud. Forløbsplaner. Før ferien bloggede jeg om et projekt om Så gør dog noget som jeg havde planer om at køre i danskundervisningen.


Jeg valgte at sætte projektet i sammenhæng med et tema om at sætte problemer under debat, og bruge dette emne som optakt til periodelæsning af Det moderne gennembrud. Det er bestemt ikke et særlig originalt emne eller et originalt projekt for den sags skyld, men det har fungeret for klassen og for mig. Især fordi jeg har en særdeles dygtig pædagogikumskandidat ind over, som lige tilføjede lidt ekstra krydderi med en stribe moderne kunstnere og deres debatskabende kunst. Forløbet har strakt sig over 7 moduler (á 95 minutter) og inkluderet repetition af argumentationsanalyse, retorisk analyse og elementer omkring nyhedsanalyse så som nyhedskriterier og avisens genrer. Forløbsplaner. Eleverne havde til i dag læst kapitel 2 af Maus (bog I), og jeg havde bedt dem inddele kapitlet i afnsit.


Det resulterede i en inddeling på 6 afsnit: Ideas for using graphic novels. I’m a nerd.

Ideas for using graphic novels

It’s true. Always have been. Sometimes I’ve just thrown people off with nice clothes and the occasional hippy hairstyle. Thankfully, nerds have now taken over cool. And thus, it should come as no surprise that one of my favourite types of media to bring into class every once in a while is graphic novels. They don’t get the use they could in our classrooms or even talked about too often. Graphic novels add a visual to a text.

Predict the story Just like a traditional text, learners can make predictions about the story but this time based on images. Graphic Fiction - modul 2. I dag – dagen hvor folketingsvalget endelig blev udskrevet – har jeg så haft andet modul i forløbet om Graphic Fiction.

Graphic Fiction - modul 2

Vi startede med at forsøge at definere nogle af de begreber som bruges når man taler om det jeg på dansk ville kalde ’tegneserier’ (som som heller ikke er et særligt dækkende eller rammende begreb). Hvad er forskellen mellem comic strips, sequential art, graphic novels, graphic fiction, cartoons osv. Eleverne fik lov til at brainstorme på forskellene mellem de forskellige begreber, og til sidst gav jeg min begrundelse for valget af begrebet graphic fiction. Graphic Fiction - virtuel time - session 10 - Google Dokumenter.