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Goolge Top Heavy 2 - Page Layout Algo Update. Another week, another update to part of Google’s search algorithm.

Goolge Top Heavy 2 - Page Layout Algo Update

This time, Google announced a refresh of its Page Layout filter that it first announced back in January, or what’s often called the “Top Heavy” update. Updates, Updates It’s the fourth Google update in the past two weeks. The rundown so far: Panda Update 20: Sept. 27, 2012EMD Update 1: Sept. 28, 2012Penguin Update 3: Oct. 5, 2012Top Heavy 2: Oct. 9, 2012 The Latest On Top Heavy The head of Google’s web spam team Matt Cutts announced the update today on Twitter and called it “minor,” saying it noticeably affects 0.7 percent of English-language queries: YouTube Search Ranking Factor Algo Change. The YouTube Blog announced they have adjusted their ranking algorithm to include the time a video was watched.

YouTube Search Ranking Factor Algo Change

YouTube said they experimented with this ranking factor with suggested videos and it lead to “less clicking” and “more watching” and thus feels it is a good idea to add to the overall YouTube Search ranking algorithm. Part of this announcement, YouTube also added the time watched statistics to video producers YouTube Analytics dashboard. You can access the time watched statistics under the “Views” report. There is a section labeled “Estimated minutes watched.”

Here are screen shots from two of my videos I made in the past few weeks: Robots.txt Best Practices for SEO. Posted by Adam Audette | July 3, 2012 | 16 comments Application of the robots.txt file typically falls sharply into two opposing schools of thought: either entries here are taken for granted as rote, but necessary, directives for search engines to follow (and required by CMSs); or there is an omnipresent fear (rightly placed) over placing any entry into the file lest it block search engine access to something critical on the site. image credit: What’s missing in this paradoxical way of thinking is a middle way that uses the robots.txt for the good of the SEO campaign.

Robots.txt Best Practices for SEO

Google Algorithm Change History. Organic vs. Paid Search Results: Organic Wins 94% of Time. Search engine users overwhelmingly click on organic results on Google and Bing by a margin of 94 percent to 6 percent.

Organic vs. Paid Search Results: Organic Wins 94% of Time

That’s according to new research from GroupM UK and Nielsen, published today by eConsultancy, based on a sample of 1.4 billion searches conducted by 28 million UK citizens in June 2011. On the organic side, the research also broke down brand vs. non-brand click-through rates, as well as click-throughs by vertical. On the paid side, the research revealed some demographic data about who is most likely to click on PPC results. Finally, it determined whether Google or Bing delivered more successful searches. Organic Search Results & Click-Through Rates. Industry Survey: PPC Is Losing Ability To Generate Leads. SEO continues to be the top lead generating channel among U.S. digital marketers, while PPC’s effectiveness as a lead gen channel is dropping significantly.

Industry Survey: PPC Is Losing Ability To Generate Leads

B2B marketers are even saying that social media marketing is now more effective than PPC as a lead gen channel. That’s according to the 2nd annual State of Digital Marketing survey from WebMarketing123, an online agency based in California. As they did a year ago, Webmarketing123 surveyed more than 500 U.S. marketers, 65 percent of whom self-report as B2B marketers. Reps from companies including GE, Sony, Cisco, Olympus, Bose and FedEx took part.

Survey respondents were fairly well divided in company size, with 32 percent coming from businesses with 1,000 or more employees and 23 percent from companies with 50 or fewer employees. Most Effective Lead Generation Channels. 7 Tips for Developing a Killer Keyword Strategy. InShare79 Develop a keyword strategy that will have a much higher success rate and provide you with the results you are looking for.

7 Tips for Developing a Killer Keyword Strategy

As I consult and train people on Internet marketing, I typically ask whether keyword research is a strategic function or a tactical one. Often people think it's tactical because of the tedious nature of the work. The Difference In Keyword Research For SEO vs. PPC. Often when I complete a keyword research project for a client, they ask me about keywords I may not have included, or they want to know what the relative competition on the keywords looks like.

The Difference In Keyword Research For SEO vs. PPC

This happens often enough that I thought I would remind everyone that while research for SEO and PPC can go hand in hand, they’re actually very different. First, think about what your goals are with each medium. What are you trying to do, and what constitutes success in that area? SEOMoz Blog. How to Optimize Content When You Don’t Know Jack about SEO. Jotform - Adding Form to Facebook. Last Update: September 17, 2013 Adding forms to Facebook is quick and easy using JotForm.

Jotform - Adding Form to Facebook

Once you’ve created your the form you want to use on your Facebook page in the Form Builder, follow the instructions below. We use the Static HTML: iframe tabs Facebook application to add our form to our Facebook page. Website Performance Test. Why should your title and H1 tag be different? GWT Central Blog. SEOMoz Blog. Author Rank: A Step-by-Step Guide to Dominating Search with Content Marketing. How to Create a Content Calendar to Correlate SEO Results. Common sense for your website. Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization for SEO. (Last Updated: October 24, 2014 by Rand) How do I build the perfectly optimized page?

Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization for SEO

This is a challenging question for many in the SEO and web marketing fields. There are hundreds of "best practices" lists for where to place keywords and how to do "on-page optimization," but as search engines have evolved and as other sources of traffic — social networks, referring links, email, blogs, etc. — have become more important and interconnected, the very nature of what's "optimal" is up for debate.