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Shady Lane Original Crochet Designs. Top 10! Free Watermark Software & Sites to Watermark Online. Free Watermark. Add Custom Watermark. Protect Your Photos and Images - PicMarkr. The Clara Photo Project Continues… Sorta. The Clara Photo Project Continues… Sorta Clara’s first birthday last Saturday made for a natural conclusion to 52 weeks of fabric-filled photo-y goodness (click here to see ‘em larger). But we’re going to keep going. Kind of. Before we move on to that though, let’s talk about the last photo-filled year. We’re just as surprised as anyone that we managed to maintain our weekly ritual fifty-two times in a row. And of course there were all of the sentimental items that the project spawned around here – like the bound photos books that we’ve ordered for ourselves and the grandparents (more on those when they arrive), the photo display that we created at Clara’s party… … and the items that Sherry sewed out of the leftover fabric – like her birthday banner and quilt: In the early weeks many of you said “I can’t wait to see what you do once she starts moving around!”

The only object that was consistent in our pics was her onesie, but that wasn’t the clearest way to show off her growth. Facebook Marketing Strategies, Resources and Guides. A Simple Formula for Pricing Your Work. Imagine this: a beautiful jewelry studio, a soldering station, an anvil on a nice old worn wooden stump, a handmade jewelry bench, and on top of all this lie piles of finished pieces. Behind the bench sits a jeweler who has yet to sell a single one of her creations. What’s holding this talented artisan back?

From my years of listening to your stories, putting a price on your work is one of the most intimidating first steps to selling, and delays many from opening their shop. I’m here to share my favorite pricing formula with you, and to break it down so you have the confidence to get out there and sell! Know the Formula Here’s my favorite formula: Materials + Labor + Expenses + Profit = Wholesale x 2 = Retail I picked this up from the amazing Megan Auman. Now let’s go through every part of this formula and break it down. Materials Make sure to cover all your material fees. Labor If someone wanted to hire you and they offered you $7 an hour, what would you think of that deal? Expenses Profit. Build a little biz | {pricing} 46 random tips to help you price your stuff.

Pricing. seriously, i think this is one of the most challenging parts of building your own little biz. last week i recommended an ebook called earn what you deserve. this book does not give you a magic formula for figuring out your pricing. what it does do is tackle the underlying issues you need to consider before you can really charge what you are worth. let me say that again. no pricing advice in the world is going to help you if you do not have a sense of the value of your work. earn what you deserve is going to help you do that. with it, you consider what it means to be a biz owner, tackle your own beliefs about money and finances, figure out the true cost of doing business, look at new ways of marketing and selling, and start to build your own sense of value in your work and your product. once you have done that, then what?

First, let’s get your head in the game... ~ you have to value your own work. or no one else will. ~ cheap prices give the impression that your thing is cheap. Item | grow your handmade business (storey publishing)