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The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions. Abstract The Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively. It has the following features: It shows whether a regular expression matches a particular target string. It can also show which parts of the target string correspond to captured register groups or to arbitrary parts of the regular expression.

It can "walk" through the target string one match at a time. It can simulate Perl's split and s/// (substitution) operators. Contents Download and installation The Regex Coach together with this documentation can be downloaded from You should use Windows 2000 or Windows XP with all updates and service packs installed. You also must have the Microsoft runtime library msvcr80.dll installed. If you have a previous version (0.8.5 or earlier) of The Regex Coach installed, uninstall it first before you install the new version! Older versions, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac. This is What a Tweet Looks Like. Think a tweet is just 140 characters of text? Think again. To developers building tools on top of the Twitter platform, they know tweets contain far more information than just whatever brief, passing thought you felt the urge to share with your friends via the microblogging network.

A tweet is filled with metadata - information about when it was sent, by who, using what Twitter application and so on. Now, thanks to Raffi Krikorian, a developer on Twitter's API/Platform team, you can see what a tweet looks like, in all its data-rich detail. Via a weekend post on Krikorian's blog, there comes an embedded document that shows what a mapped out tweet looks like. He says he decided to do this map using "JSON as opposed to XML" since the company is "considering not supporting XML on v2 of the API. " Coming Soon: Lots More Data This image is all the more interesting when you consider how much richer a tweet's data map will soon become. Next: What Twitter Annotations Mean. Apache, mysql, php und perl installation leicht gemacht.

Search Engine Plugins.


Htaccess. W3Techs - World Wide Web Technology Surveys. Online Generatoren: Die Liste | Generatoren, Listen | Dr. Web Ma. Generatoren Wer es darauf anlegt, der muss im Web fast nichts mehr selber machen. Für beinahe alles gibt es Online-Generatoren. Wir haben versucht die nützlichsten und besten davon zusammenzutragen. Die diesmal besonders umfangreiche, von Christiane Rosenberger erstellte Liste enthält neben englischsprachigen Generatoren auch solche in deutscher Sprache.

CSS Creator Live CSS Cascading Style Sheet Layout generator for your web siteQrONE CSS Designer Online CSS GeneratorOnline CSS Optimiser/Optimizer This tool is used to optimise CSS code. Color Diverses FLASH EMBEDDER This tool will let you easily embed flash movies into HTML.HTML to JavaScript Convertor This tool takes your markup and converts it to a series of document.write() statements that you can use in a block of JavaScript.Insta-Select Insta-Select – An easy “select” list generatorPretty Printer for PHP, Java, C++, C, Perl, JavaScript, CSS This is a source code beautifier (source code formatter), similiar to indent. Domains Email. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. 30 Web Developer Cheat Sheets. The list of skills a given web developer must possess is growing everyday. With the massive growth of web technologies, comes the demand for developers with a wide skill set. A useful tool in any developers tool box can be the well known 'cheat sheet'.

Today, we will have a look at 30 essential web developer cheat sheets, ranging from MySQL to Photoshop. PHP + MySQL Cheat Sheets The PHP scripting language has become one of the most popular server side languages around. 1. The AddedBytes cheat sheet above covers multiple php topics such as functions list and regular expressions. 2. If you would rather not download a php cheat sheet, BlueShoes has provided an online php cheat sheet available for you to access at anytime. 3. Regular expressions can get a little tricky no matter what language you are dealing with, WebCheatSheet has provided us with a quick online guide to php regular expressions. 4. 5. 6.

If you're looking for a full fledged MySQL cheat sheet, look no further. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Embed MP3 Code. You have an MP3 file (a podcast, a song of your band, a lecture) and you want to share it with the visitors of your site. You can just put a link to the MP3 and let people download it or you can include it as an object and let the browser play it with a plug-in like QuickTime (and most of the times also crash the browser).

Most people want to preview the audio and not wait until it downloads completely. You can play a partial MP3 file in audio player, but many people aren't aware of that. But there's another away: a Flash player that allows you to pause and rewind the MP3. You just have to replace [MP3 file address] with the actual address. Here you can see how it looks (in this audio, Marissa Mayer talks about innovation at Google): Update (April 28th, 2010): is down and the player no longer works. Webmaster Essentials Checklist. This is a selection of best online tools for webmaster job you can use to check, improve and enhance your website for performance, accessibility, compatibility. 1.

Xenu Useful feature is to check your website for broken links or list all outgoing links. 2. Before you move on to some more complex validation, you might want to clean, optimize and compress your CSS code. 3. This tool will check your CSS files for any errors. 4. This is the Big Daddy of validation tools and if you pass this one without any errors, you are pretty sure that you have a website that complies to everything in the universe. Next you will want to try this tool, that will present you with a validation report in a visual way, "drawing" things over your site display. WAVE is another visual tool and it will allow you to watch the flow of your site, for example monitor your headings, divs, keywords, alt text, javascript calls and much more. 7.

If you thought the all work is done you are wrong. 8. 9. 10. Bonus feature. 20 Websites That Made Me A Better Web Developer | Six Revisions. As a web developer, if you’re to be successful, you have to have a constant yearning for learning new things. In an industry that evolves rapidly, you’ve got to keep up or you risk being obsolete and outdated. Keeping up with trends, weeding out the fads, and adopting new techniques to your web-building arsenal is an essential part of being a web developer. I spend (literally) most of the day in front of the computer and even in my spare time, I choose to read, learn, and keep up with web technology news. This leads to a massive collection of bookmarked links, but through the years, there are only a handful of websites that I frequent.

I’d like to share 20 websites that have broadened my knowledge, expanded my skill set, and improved the quality and efficiency of my web development projects. 1) Alertbox: Current Issues in Web Usability Alertbox is Jakob Nielsen’s bi-weekly column that discusses web usability. 2) 3) A List Apart 4) Getting Real by 37 Signals 7) mootools. Mod_rewrite: A Beginner's Guide to URL Rewriting -- sitepoi. This article was written in 2002 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about URLs, you may find this recent article on the “www” prefix, by Craig Buckler, of great interest. So you’re a web developer who has all the bells and whistles on your site, creates Web-based applications that are both beautiful and work well.

But what about these issues? Applications Must Be Safe A user must not be able to harm your site in any way by modifying a URL that points to your applications. For example, imagine we have a simple script that shows all the products in a category. Generally, it’s called like this: myapp.php? But what will this application do if ScriptKiddie(tm) comes and types this in his browser: myapp.php? Well, many of the sites I’ve seen will drop some error message complaining about use of the wrong SQL query, invalid MySQL resource ID, and so on. Applications Must Be Search-Engine Friendly myapp.php? Myapp.php “you have an error in your sql syntax” .php -forum.

Webmaster News & Resources » Blog Archive » Against the rule. May 12, 2008 Against the rules – hints about how to create text for a website By Adam Nowak in Writing I am sure that many people wonder what the secret of filling up a website with its content is. The recipe seems to be quite simple – clarity and an appropriate outline are crucial. However, there is one thing you cannot forget about.

Knowing the audience The most important thing to be remembered is that a web page contains messages for a particular group of people. The more we know about them, the easier it is to adjust the texts for their needs. . * choose topics in such a way that they would be really interesting for our audience; * arrange those topics, so that it would be easier to find them on the page; * construct the text using the language of our users, not one of experts; * choose the style of writing that is suitable for the reader; * set up a form of communication – contrary to other media, the Internet allows us to use a more informal style on our webpage.

Scanner or reader 1. 2. 3.


Feed Generator RSS to Java jetzt Feeds individuell designen. JavaScript. Naview: Build Easy Website Navigation Throug Testing & Prototypi. Design and navigation tools aim to make a web designer’s job easier. Although many such tools are available online, Naview sets itself apart from its competition. Naview, currently in beta, is a partially free service by Volkside. The service aims to help web designers design, visualize, test and revise navigational structures quickly and efficiently. Naview allows designers to automatically generate a multiple leveled, completely functional and easy website navigation.

The design can be generated from a TXT file or an XLS spreadsheet. Since it is in beta, there is an additional “early access” plan to the already existing free plan; both provide a great way to learn about Naview and how it helps. Demo video: Features: Visit Naview @ Create Torrent Files & Share Them. Almost everybody knows about and uses Torrent, but not everybody “really uses” torrent. On one hand, Torrent has become a very popular alternative for file downloads. While on the other hand, the number of people who create and publish torrents are very small compared to the number of people who do the downloading. The majority of people are still not familiar with using Torrent as a method to share their own files. While there are advantages and disadvantages to the method, I think this is a topic worth exploring.

The following process is created using Transmission for Mac, but the method is also available under other OSes and using other major torrent clients. Here are the necessary steps to create a Torrent. After opening Transmission, the first thing that you should do is to click on the “Create” button, or go to “File – Create New Torrent File” menu (Command + N) … ….Or something similar in another client. Then browse to the location of the file(s) that you want to share. Basic > Serif fonts.