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Facebook Twitter - The Global Broadband Speed Test. Browize | Online Browser Resizer. ResizeMyBrowser: Quickly Test Website In Multiple Browser Resolutions. Testing a website in different window sizes is an integral part of web design. Typically, it requires viewing the website on different monitors, screen resolutions and manually resizing the size of your browser. However, ResizeMyBrowser is a tool that makes the process really easy and painless. ResizeMyBrowser lets you quickly resize your browser window to any of the 15 preset sizes that are commonly used in laptops, netbooks, iPad and even mobile devices. If you want to try a completely unique size, you can enter it as a new preset and if you later decide you don’t need it, simply delete it. Each of the 15 presets also tells you the name of the device that commonly has that browser size. Features: Visit ResizeMyBrowser @ C Link Checker.

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