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! Viewer · Learning Designer. Name Introducing coding Topic Learning to problem solve Learning time 2 hours Designed learning time 1 hour and 55 minutes Size of class Description An introduction to giving instructions to a program to create a design, using a simple programming language. Aims To introduce primary children to computing using a simple programmng tool to learn how to write clear instructions Outcomes Construct To construct a program to draw a given simple design Give feedback To give peer feedback on how to give better instructions Editor diana Derived from An Introduction to Computing by patricia At Home: Giving clear instructions 20 minutes) 0 Homework Imagine you have to send a text message to a child your age, who does not know much English. Resources linked: 0 In Class: Making instructions clear 30 minutes) 0 In pairs, look at your two messages. Create your own instructions 55 minutes) 0 Use the robot program to type in your instructions to make it draw the flag.

Homework: Make your own flag 10 minutes) 1 new message. Impari. Enhance your 3D learning experience. DoceboLMS eXelearning! come creare Learning Object, e-learning, oggetti didattici con il software autore Open Source. ClicZone - JClic.

Hot Potatoes Home Page. Formazione a distanza - Fad - Corsi online - Elearning. E-Learning Platform Easy to use LMS to manage, deliver and track ILT and WBT activities. Docebo allows organizations of all sizes to implement a cost-effective and features-rich LMS. Docebo is made available to our global clients in 30 languages. Explore Docebo Features Online Courses We design and develop pedagogically sound multilingual E-Learning courses, SCORM and Tin Can compliant.

Discover our multimedia products Professional Services Docebo supports its customers throughout all the steps of their E-learning project. Get in touch with us! A solid track of experiences in key markets, such as: Energy, Oil and Gas Fashion and Luxury Financial services Healthcare and Pharma Retail services Automotive Manufacturing. iTALC - una rete didattica Open Source. Make your own interactive learning games. Gratuito: Controllo remoto e Meeting online. Didapages. Sì è vero, Didapages 1.1 non è un software opensource; il suo utilizzo è gratuito solo per l'uso educativo e non commerciale, però è comunque un programma utile e simpatico e per questo ho pensato di tradurlo. Ma andiamo con ordine: innanzitutto si tratta di un programma per Windows, si basa su Flash e permette di costruire facilmente dei libri interattivi e multimediali che possono essere utilizzati per l'autoformazione, l'insegnamento in classe o la formazione a distanza.

L'autore è Carlo Guedes dell'associazione Fruits du savoir che cura anche la produzione e la distribuzione del programma. L'interfaccia è quella classica del libro, con le pagine che si sfogliano cliccando sull'angolino in basso a destra. Nei libri è possibile inserire elementi e file di diverso tipo: testi, immagini (jpeg), file audio (.mp3), video (.FLV, Flash Video) e animazioni Flash. La versione italiana di Didapages (4,22 Mb) si può scaricare a questo indirizzo: La versione originale in francese si trova qui errori.

What is mOway | Moway. mOway is an educational tool, a complete learning solution that brings technology close to educational centres. On top of that, mOway allows students to discover what Programming is with user-friendly and intuitive software that enables them to control the robot and its input and output devices, developing their own programs from the very beginning. Its goal is to be a practical tool inside the world of education. The major advantage is its fast learning curve. Students obtain results from the first lesson, generating a high level of motivation among them. This robot helps to develop personal abilities as diverse as creativity, interest in further learning and teamwork. 1. This much intuitive software is based on flowcharts. 2. It allows a greater control over the robot to users with previous knowledge of the C language. You can find the necessary bookshops in the installation package in order to fully control the robot. 3.

Team WhiteBoarding with Twiddla - Painless Team Collaboration for the Web. Ambiente didattico digitale - Home. Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students | Text, Images, Music and Video. Flippedclassroom piattaforme. EduClipper.