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Truc n°678 : valoriser les épluchures comestibles. Posté dans 2011/10/07 par Nya On se contente bien souvent de peler fruits et légumes pour nourrir aussi sec la poubelle. À croire qu’une fois la peau détachée du fruit, elle devient impropre… Le mieux serait évidemment de la manger directement, mais les recettes ne s’y prêtent pas toujours. Avec un peu d’imagination, cette source de vitamines (on parle bien sûr de produits bio, sinon les pesticides se concentrent dans les épluchures) peut généralement consommée. Les épluchures de légumes peuvent servir à faire de la soupe, du bouillon de légumes, de la purée. Les épluchures de fruits peuvent être séchées au four pour faire d’excellentes tisanes ou chips. Et vous, que faites-vous de vos épluchures comestibles ? Creating AWE:  Arts from Waste Experience.

0 0Share Synopsis A town in New Jersey promotes AWE – the Arts from Waste Experience – a cluster of hands-on Arts programs designed to teach Sustainability awareness and principles to the community. For many people, the concept of Sustainable Living as a means of protecting our environment is simple to grasp, yet challenging to put into daily practice. Sustainability advocates struggle to find the most effective ways to apply abstract theory to everyday lifestyle choice and decisions. In a densely populated corner of northeast New Jersey, local government officials have devised a strategy they call AWE – the Arts from Waste Experience – a cluster of hands-on Arts programs designed to teach Sustainability awareness and principles to a diverse cross-section of the community. Woodbridge Township has long been a poster child for New Jersey’s fabled urban congestion. In 2010 Mayor John E. . • Musical Instruments from Recycled Objects (xylophones from glass, metal, wood, stone, found objects)…

DISCO ART Inspiration. MaKey MaKey - An Invention Kit for Everyone. Heita3's Channel. The Vegetable Orchestra - home. : des jardins à partager entre particuliers dans toute la France ! Carrot City - News. Content is nested in collapsible panels. Click on list entries to see more.

Follow Carrot City on Twitter or Facebook for regular news updates related to design for urban agriculture! Exhibit News + Carrot City Exhibit Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary! It has been 5 years since the first Carrot City exhibit opened at the Design Exchange in Toronto. -The Carrot City Team. + Carrot City to be exhibited in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2014! Date: May 22, 2014 - End of September, 2014 Location of Exhibit: Université de Lausanne, in front of the Geopolis building (outdoors) Opening Reception to take place on May 27 at 6:00 PM This is Carrot City's first exhibit in beautiful and progressive Switzerland, where urban agriculture projects are popping up everywhere.

Book News + Dr. . + Dr. 2012 10 30 Carrot City curator Dr. . + Dr. 2012 07 11 Carrot City curator Dr. . + Carrot City Reviewed in Journal of Urbanism + Dr. . + Carrot City reviewed in The Dirt + Carrot City reviewed in Green Book Reviews. Carrot City.