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Urban Bricolage. Anniekoh: The temporary public art work Loaded Text has made me more obsessed with ways of making planning public.

Urban Bricolage

The artists Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler “hand wrote the entire 65-page text of the Downtown Durham Revitalization Plan on a 150-foot stretch of damaged sidewalk” (source) Description from the Museum of Durham History on a retrospective of the work created in June 1989 by artists Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler in downtown Durham: The work was one of two temporary public art projects commissioned by the Durham Arts Council to coincide with Public Art Dialogue Southeast, a conference on public art. When Ericson and Ziegler read in a Durham newspaper that only two copies of the city’s Downtown Durham Revitalization Plan would be available for public review at the Durham Library they began developing a work with that plan at the center, which became Loaded Text, a four-stage work.

Bricoleurbanism. The Pop-Up City.