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Does diversity influence group success? January 31st, 2014 in Other Sciences / Social Sciences Support for gender diversity in organizations and institutions has risen steadily in recent years, with reports and pundits hailing the strengths and virtues of having a female voice involved in decision making processes.

Does diversity influence group success?

Yet little research exists on just why gender diversity works. A new study led by a Ryerson University researcher exploring gender diversity in science research sets out to examine if gender diversity leads to better results, be it in the lab or the boardroom. Lesley Campbell is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biology at Ryerson University and an expert in evolution, ecology and botany. If You're Not Helping People Develop, You're Not Management Material - Monique Valcour.

By Monique Valcour | 10:00 AM January 23, 2014 Skilled managers have never been more critical to the success of firms than they are today.

If You're Not Helping People Develop, You're Not Management Material - Monique Valcour

Not because employees can’t function without direction, but because managers play a vital role in talent management. Gone are the comprehensive career management systems and expectations of long-term employment that once functioned as the glue in the employer-employee contract. In their place, the manager-employee dyad is the new building block of learning and development in firms. Good managers attract candidates, drive performance, engagement and retention, and play a key role in maximizing employees’ contribution to the firm. Job seekers from entry-level to executive are more concerned with opportunities for learning and development than any other aspect of a prospective job. Managers also have a big impact on turnover and retention. Remember the Peter Principle?

Samplify speakers and workshops

How to Make Your Book a Bestseller - Mary Kay Zuravleff. More and more often these days, authors are considered responsible for their own success—and those who were once responsible for promoting them now tout the glories of self-promotion.

How to Make Your Book a Bestseller - Mary Kay Zuravleff

Or, as a cheery New York literary agent recently put it, “You, the author, have an unprecedented amount of control over the way people discover you and your work, and how your ‘presence’ is presented to the world.” Here’s what an author's guide to stardom might look like in the near future. Leadership Lessons From The U.S. Army In Afghanistan. As the saying goes, if you want to learn how to lead, join the military.

Leadership Lessons From The U.S. Army In Afghanistan

Officers are given huge amounts of responsibility at the youngest of ages. A 23-year-old platoon leader, for example, is expected to lead 40-odd men into battle. Where his peers in the corporate world will be filling out spreadsheets and compiling PowerPoint presentations, the lieutenant will be making decisions that have life and death consequences. The same goes for enlisted troops. In ways totally unheard of in the private sector, a 23-year-old sergeant will be responsible for all aspects of the health and welfare of the soldiers under him or her, even when they’re technically off the job. The leadership challenge among troops working with Afghan forces is exponentially more difficult. To that end, here are five tactics the U.S. 1.

This summer, Afghan security forces in the eastern part of the country kicked off a major offensive. This MIT 3D Shape-Shifting Project Called inForm Will Blow Your Mind. This technology is so jaw dropping, ten years ago these MIT students would’ve been looked at as aliens, 20 years ago, burned at the stake. inFORM, a new project that can reproduce digital content physically in 3D, which allows a user to interact with an object without being in it’s presence.

This MIT 3D Shape-Shifting Project Called inForm Will Blow Your Mind

Inform can also be used for 3D demonstrations rendering physical bar graphs, models and fluid tangible experiences. The inFORM was developed by MIT PhD students Sean Follmer, Daniel Leithinger, and Professor Hiroshi Ishii, from MIT’s Tangible Media Group. Revolutionary steps when thinking of physical form science and architecture, being able to shape and mold an object without even being in the room. Videos by topic: TECHNOLOGY. Manza Onsen Travel Guide. On April 1, 2014, the consumption tax increased from 5% to 8%, causing widespread changes to transportation fares.

Manza Onsen Travel Guide

This page has not been updated yet, and some of the fees and fares in this section may not be up-to-date. How to get to Manza Onsen By train and bus via Manza Kazawaguchi Trains travel as far as Manza Kazawaguchi Station, from where there are infrequent buses to Manza Onsen (40 minutes, 1370 yen). The Japan Rail Pass, JR East Pass and JR Kanto Area Pass are valid on the trains, but not on the buses. There are various ways to get from Tokyo to Manza Kazawaguchi Station. Alternatively, you can do the whole trip by local trains, which takes about four hours, requires a transfer of trains at Takasaki and costs 3260 yen one way.

AGEnda—Aging & Work Blog: How Managers View Workplace Flexibility. Their attitudes matter, because what they see is what employees (and companies) get Research has shown that flexible work options enhance employee effectiveness.

AGEnda—Aging & Work Blog: How Managers View Workplace Flexibility

And yet, like good jobs in general, access to these options is limited and inconsistent. Managers are almost always the gatekeepers of flexible work options.

Aussie Open source bible

Business Models. Annalie's US Research Trip 2013. Self-help: My big fat career. VIDEO SCHOOL. Four Methods for Corporate Innovators. Crowdfunding. Courage. Collaborative Consumption Directory. Terese Weinstein Katz, PhD - The Self-Compassion Diet: Gentleness, Not Self-Flagellation. How we beat ourselves up for that brownie or pizza slice!

Terese Weinstein Katz, PhD - The Self-Compassion Diet: Gentleness, Not Self-Flagellation

Once we’ve lost control or overdone it, forget about self-care and serenity. But research keeps confirming some ancient wisdom when it comes to eating better. Gentleness, being kind to oneself, paves a better path to success than self-flagellation. One study asked dieters to go easy on themselves in the face of eating preferred candy. Open Universities Australia - Bachelor of Behavioural Studies (Psychology)

The Bachelor of Behavioural Studies (Psychology) gives students the opportunity of studying a Major in Psychology.

Open Universities Australia - Bachelor of Behavioural Studies (Psychology)

The psychology major provides comprehensive study in: Developmental psychology Cognition Social psychology Personality Design and measurement Psychological measurement Abnormal psychology Students may also complete an additional Advanced Psychology Minor, which offers students an additional breadth of study in the psychology of human behaviour.

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Anti-Ageing supplements. Decor. OZONE. Bonus Years. Behavioural Psychology. Chinese Shopper Idea. Parties & Decor. Annalie 3.0. Double Layer Underwear Lace Thermal Pants - aimeronline. Spa & retreats. Amplify 2015. Amplify Spun-Off. Amplify 2015. Brand comms marketing. Technology. Big Thinking stuff. DESIGN. Virtual assistants. 10 Ridiculously Simple Tips for Writing a Book.

Strategy_innovation. Weekly Strategy Radars 2012. Samplify. Annalie's blog. Anticipatory Leadership, FQ. Entrepreneurship. Speeches. Amplify 2013. OFFICE ADMIN STUFF. Social Business. Women. Biggest brainstorm. Personal. Career. Tools. China. Africa. Italy/ France 2013. Italia. CULTURE. Random Gold.