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Connecting scientists, journalists, and communicators. Sendereihe: Klimawissen für Warschau Warschau ist die nächste Station auf dem Weg zu einem verbindlichen globalen Klimavertrag (AP) Die Karawane der Klimadiplomaten zieht weiter: Nächster Stopp ist Warschau, wo am 11.

November 2013 die 19. UN-Klimakonferenz beginnt. Die 192 Unterzeichnerstaaten des Kyoto-Abkommens entsenden ihre Vertreter, um in Polen über einen Zeitplan und weitere Schritte zu beraten, die den Weg zu einem verbindlichen globalen Klimavertrag ebnen sollen. Bahnbrechende Beschlüsse im Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung sind aus Warschau nicht zu erwarten. Audio anhören Die Themen. Die-Woche-Ausschnitt. CO2-Einspeisung am Pilotstandort Ketzin nach gut fünf Jahren erfolgreich abgeschlossen - Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ.

Was läuft schief in der Klimaforschung? - Wissenschaft im Gespräch - Radio - SRF Player. Hans von Storch. Climate Change and the Ocean - Home Page of Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf. PIK: Climate Science Lecture - The Basics of Global Warming. Climate Change, Climate Sceptics and Open Data. With the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen starting on Monday, it is of vital important that there is consensus on the scientific evidence about climate change, in order to inform debates about the best course of action for the international community.

Climate Change, Climate Sceptics and Open Data

Sharing the same basic picture about the climate, global warming and the impact of human sources of carbon dioxide (regardless of the details of this picture, regardless of differences in opinion about the most appropriate course of action in reponse to it) is surely a critical prerequisite to effective and fruitful negotiations.

The recent illegally obtained emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (so-called ‘Climategate’) and the subsequent accusations of secrecy and malpractice from climate change sceptics have provoked debate in the media about the openness and availability of datasets related to climate change. This evening, the BBC reported: Furthermore, often access is not enough. Wetter und Klima - Deutscher Wetterdienst. Climate Change Data. Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2.0. Explore and use a collection of development, vulnerability, and impact-related indicators and datasets.

Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2.0

Climate Adaptation Country Profiles provide a quick reference source for development practitioners to better integrate climate resilience into development planning and operations. Learn from several examples of emerging economies actively seeking to move toward a low carbon growth path. Tour the portal highlights in these development and climate change storylines. And take them with you! Use your creativity to integrate, visualize, and synthesize climate and development data. WORLD BANK FINANCED ACTIVITIES Explore Navigate and learn more about World Bank Financed Activities and Projects. Climate Data. A tour of climate data at CKAN. The following guest post is by David Jones who is, among other things, a curator of the climate data group on CKAN (the OKF’s open source registry of open data) and co-founder of Clear Climate Code (which was previously featured on our blog here and here).

A tour of climate data at CKAN

Take a tour of some of the additions we’ve made to the climate data group at OKF’s CKAN. The Mauna Loa observatory, Hawaii, has the longest period of continual recording of the amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the air, the airborne fraction. The data are available in CKAN, and here they are in chart form: CO2 is a relatively well mixed gas in the atmosphere, but even so, it would be unwise to rely on a single location for measurements.

The Carbon Dioxide Analysis Center maintain a global network of stations collecting CO2. What about reconstructing historical CO2 levels? By drilling down through the ice we can reach older and older ice. (Other data from the Vostok ice core are also available) The tour is coming to an end now. Die Erde im Schwitzkasten. CoolClimate Carbon Footprint Calculator.

