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Nicholas Moore

Who am I? My name is Nicholas Russell Moore, I grew up in Alabama with my mother and stepfather, and now reside with my father due to conflict of interest. I am very simple from the outside but a hall of endless mystery's and confusions inside. I love sitting around on with my friends and any given day enjoy one anthers company talking aimlessly for hours on end. But also love getting out and going to places such as movies, malls, and other public areas where the general public can here our plans on time travel and King Arther as well as waffles. I also enjoy Cosplaying and going to Anime Conventions such as AWA, Metro, Atlanta Anime Day and a new favorite Kami-con. I have heard am quite easy to get along with but that is for you to decide. So if you want to send me a message we will talk, laugh, and argue about silly non-scene, until then: Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess We seek it thus, and take it to the sky Ripples form on the water’s surface The wandering soul knows no rest -Loveless (Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core) Discover the Best of the Web. World of Warcraft. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


Pandora Internet Radio - Find New Music, Listen to Free Web Radio. Otaku/Japan spawn. Cosplay. Jpop - NEWS - Kanjani8. Vocaloid. Anime. Anime / manga / drama.