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Une astuce pour vos présentations : le mode présentateur. Ink2Go. On-screen annotation. This article or section is incomplete and its contents need further attention.

On-screen annotation

Some sections may be missing, some information may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved etc. Use your judgment! Page created by Daniel K. Schneider, 31 March 2011Contributors: Daniel K. Jing, Free Screenshot and Screencast Software. Screen capture and annotation software. On-screen annotation. CLASSROOM - Splashtop Inc. Splashtop Classroom allows teachers to share their desktop and applications.

CLASSROOM - Splashtop Inc.

Once connected, students can view, control and annotate over lesson content directly from their own devices. Splashtop Classroom is perfect for teachers and instructors who want to engage the entire room! iPower - Interactive Whiteboard - Google Presentationer. The Wiimote Whiteboard Software. Smoothboard has been developed continuously since 2008 with the mission to enhance presentations and lessons.

The Wiimote Whiteboard Software

Today, Smoothboard has grown into a trusted and indispensible tool that is used in thousands of classrooms all around the world. The new Smoothboard for Mac software will be an excellent presentation tool for Mac OS X users. Smoothboard for Mac turns any flat screen surface into an interactive whiteboard with just a Wiimote and IR Pen. Many thanks to Uwe and Johnny Lee for their work made the Smoothboard for Mac software possible. Smoothboard Tech is a registered business in Singapore that provides technical and sales support for all Smoothboard users while actively researching and developing new enhancements for Smoothboard. Google Slides vous permet de créer et de modifier des présentations en ligne gratuitement. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink.

3 outils de présentation pour transformer vos cours. Six Free Alternatives to PowerPoint and Keynote. Twice in the last week I've been asked for a list of free alternatives to either PowerPoint or Keynote.

Six Free Alternatives to PowerPoint and Keynote

I've written a couple of these lists over the last five years, but some of the alternatives I've shared in the past have either gone out of business or started charging a fee. Here's my updated list of free alternatives to PowerPoint and Keynote. Empressr is a fully functional, high quality, online slide show presentation creation and sharing service. Empressr has a couple of features differentiating it from its competitors.