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Aumenta tu confianza con las listas de verificación. Imagina que te toca cocinar una paella y no lo has hecho nunca.

Aumenta tu confianza con las listas de verificación

Imagina que tienes que irte de viaje a un lugar remoto y desconocido. Imagina que tienes que organizar una convención en tu empresa. Lecturas y recursos sobre productividad personal. Ya está aquí el calor, ya están aquí las vacaciones, las más extrañas que has vivido.

Lecturas y recursos sobre productividad personal

Hay un miedo suspendido en el ambiente que convertirá lo que era descanso y disfrute, en algo agridulce. Cuando la incertidumbre y la preocupación nos cae encima es una buena idea crear compartimentos donde dejar de lado la penumbra e intentar vivir de la misma manera que lo habíamos hecho siempre. Mantener las costumbres, las aficiones y los intereses. El Blog de Jordi Fortuny. Primeros pasos con GTD (Getting Things Done) Update (September 24, 2018): There’s a new way to find, manage, and use note templates in Evernote.

Primeros pasos con GTD (Getting Things Done)

Visit our template gallery to browse pre-made templates you can add to your Evernote account. Learn more » It’s 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, and you have one question on your mind: what should I be doing right now? You’re busy getting things done, but the notification count on your email inbox is climbing by the minute. Welcome to the era of information abundance, which has created in many of us a scarcity of attention. David Allen’s best-selling book Getting Things Done* (known affectionately by fans as GTD) proposes a simple 5-step approach to managing the complexity of modern work.

Here are the steps to stress-free productivity that GTD recommends: The best introduction to what these five steps look like in practice is the Project List Mindsweep. I’d like to guide you through the Project List Mindsweep in this article. How to use Evernote templates » The Project List Mindsweep. 4 ways teachers can stop procrastinating and get things done. This week, we’re tackling one of the most vicious struggles for many of us — procrastination.

4 ways teachers can stop procrastinating and get things done

I’ve spent a lot of time observing what causes procrastination and what prevents it because this is such a deep and pervasive problem for me personally. It’s something I have always struggled with and probably always will. I haven’t found that procrastination is something you can conquer once and for all. Like just about all decisions that involve staying healthy and being productive, your day-by-day choices matter a lot. For most people, there will never be a day when you wake up and don’t feel pulled to be lazy, or eat junk food, or skip the workout, or leave the house a mess. So, here are four things you can do to make it easier to overcome those feelings of procrastination when they strike … Want to listen to this post instead of read?

1. The first step in overcoming procrastination is to identify a goal or outcome for your work that you care deeply about. 2. Downtime is essential. 3. GTD: Best Guidelines to Process your Stuff. It is not the intention of this post to explain what processing your stuff means in the GTD jargon or how to process.

GTD: Best Guidelines to Process your Stuff

If you’re a GTD practitioner, then you already know that. If you’re a beginner, I strongly recommend you reading the Getting Things Done book. You can also read here a brief summary of the process stage, and many articles online on the subject, such as this one (SimpleProductivityBlog). The purpose of this post is to present a best practices guide to help you to process things efficiently: Block a specific time for processing. Processing a bunch of things you have piled on your desk or a myriad of emails in your inbox is a task that, a priori, can be a little scary. Configurar Wunderlist para Getting Things Done · el Canasto. Sabemos que Wunderlist es una aplicación sencilla—pero potente—para crear listas de tareas.

Configurar Wunderlist para Getting Things Done · el Canasto

¿Cómo podemos usar este software para trabajar según el método Getting Things Done? GTD es un método que, además de unos hábitos, sólo requiere un calendario y un gestor de listas. La idea es que, si dividimos nuestras tareas sobre varias listas estratégicamente elegidas, podemos minimizar el número de opciones disponibles al momento de decidir qué tarea haremos. Contextos. Por dónde empezar a usar GTD, todas las claves para triunfar. David Allen's Getting Things Done® Methodology.