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Remote teaching

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Qwiqr - Better Feedback. Ressources et pistes pour l'hybridation - Anglais. Outils pour assurer la continuité pédagogique. Des tutoriels vidéos pour aider à mettre des documents à disposition des élèves et pour récupérer leurs productions via ECLAT : Eclat BFC > Présentation du classeur pédagogique : > Comment créer une activité ?

Outils pour assurer la continuité pédagogique

> Partager une activité : > Créer un blog de classe dans l’ENT : > Créer un dossier partagé avec les élèves : Différents tutoriels : Transmettre des documents aux élèves Donner un travail à rendre sur l’Espace Élèves Utiliser des QCM pour évaluer des compétences Partager un QCM avec d’autres enseignants Communiquer avec les élèves Rendre un travail sur l’Espace Élèves Récupérer des documents Travailler en équipe / Collaborer 3 padlets interlangues pour partager vos idées / suggestions/ ou activités. Accueil. Fiche 1.5 Ressources et services Enseignement hybride 1348558. Videos - BigBlueButton. Infographie réussir sa classe virtuelle. BigBlueButton For Teachers. Tutoriel Visioconférence pour Modérateur & Présentateur - BigBlueButton.

Nouveau service "Classe virtuelle" disponible ! - Skolengo Academy. How to Build Connections with Students Online. As many students are at home during the pandemic, teachers are searching for ways to connect with students in the online classroom.

How to Build Connections with Students Online

In Jennifer Gonzalez’s “Creating Moments of Genuine Connection Online,” from Cult of Pedagogy, teacher Dave Stuart Jr. shares simple ways to develop relationships with students, even in a digital classroom. The process is one Stuart developed when he first started teaching high school and found himself devoting hours to relationship building—leaving him with little time for lesson planning, grading, or curriculum development.

Under necessity, Stuart came up with new, shorter ways—even in just one to three minutes—to make meaningful connections with all of his students. “The moments are embedded inside the work you’re already doing as a teacher,” says Stuart, who now offers a mini-course for other teachers on the topic. 1. 2. 3. 80 Tips for Remote Learning From Seasoned Educators. 47.

80 Tips for Remote Learning From Seasoned Educators

Many of my students were dealing with compounding challenges at home during the spring. Providing them with larger, long-term assignments, rather than daily activities, helped many of them to tailor their work schedule to their needs. — Anonymous Teacher 48. Assign a project on Monday that’s due Friday. Make sure the project has enough work and moving parts that will keep students busy throughout the week. 49. 50. 51. 52. Rentrée 2020 - Rentrée scolaire 2020 - Plan de continuité pédagogique. 4 Scenarios en cas de reconfinement. End of the Year Exit Ticket: Evaluating Online Learning. As the year comes to a close, I encourage teachers to take a moment and collect feedback from students about their experiences learning online in the last few months.

End of the Year Exit Ticket: Evaluating Online Learning

We do not know what fall 2020 will look like–in person, online, or a combination of both. Remote English teaching: ideas for building anticipation. BackTuesday 31 Mar 2020 11:58 am This is the second blog in our mini-series with ideas for EMC-style approaches which can work at a distance.

Remote English teaching: ideas for building anticipation

This time we explore how to use anticipation to get students thinking, while harnessing a little suspense to keep them engaged. The slow reveal works well in class, so why not do it virtually? Remote English teaching: ideas for creating a community of learners. BackTuesday 24 Mar 2020 12:42 pm This blog is not about the technical side of remote teaching and learning as there is plenty of information out there and you will no doubt have had advice at school.

Remote English teaching: ideas for creating a community of learners

But the big challenge of remote learning is keeping students motivated, so we are putting our virtual heads together to come up with EMC-style approaches which can work at a distance to add some variety to your remote English lessons. Isolation may protect the body from infection, but it is not good for mental health. Having something structured and positive to do each day will be good for this aspect of young people’s well-being as well as helping them to stay engaged with learning.

So, our first blog concentrates on the challenge of creating the feeling of a community of learners, rather than individuals always working on their own, in dialogue only with their teacher. We will be posting more ideas soon. As National Poetry Month Ends: Some Words of Comfort during a Pandemic. By Brett Vogelsinger, republished with permission from Go Poems.

As National Poetry Month Ends: Some Words of Comfort during a Pandemic

Since reading a poem is a daily ritual in my class, patterns develop in our poetry selections. One of those patterns—yes, a pattern students observe in much of the literature we read in English class—is that writers often tackle dense, heavy, depressing topics. Poetry is no exception. And I would argue it is important to bring these types of poems to our students. However, we also live in an age of crushing anxiety, and each year I see more students struggle to maintain their emotional health. Derek Mahon’s poem “Everything Is Going To Be All Right” interrupts this pattern when we need something to reassure, comfort, or uplift our class.

Dr. 12 Essay Alternatives That Will Make Your Students Think Outside The Box – DONUT LOVIN' TEACHER. 8 Creative Ways to Virtually End the School Year. Like teaching remotely, ending the school year while teaching remotely is anything but ideal.

8 Creative Ways to Virtually End the School Year

We miss our students and our classroom communities we’ve built. And even more upsetting is the lack of closure students, and teachers will have this year. When schools shut down in mid-March, we had no idea it would be for the entire school year. Lyon. Where I'm From Poem.pdf. Digital Class Bookshelf for Distance Learning Reading Culture. Looking for a way to connect with students via distance learning?

Digital Class Bookshelf for Distance Learning Reading Culture

To continue enhancing the classroom reading culture? To build relationships and talk about books? Try using a digital class bookshelf. This digital class bookshelf will allow students to share what they are reading. Each student will be able to view the entire class's book selections. To use, simply share the Slides document with one of your classes and explain the directions, which are included. 12 Creative Ways to Connect with Students Online. Four weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, I left my 7th grade ELA classroom not knowing that I was saying goodbye.

12 Creative Ways to Connect with Students Online

That weekend, I found out that my school would be closed until May. Like many other teachers, I went through a brief period of mourning. I was mourning the loss of my physical classroom and I was missing my students terribly, but there was something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on--something that staring at a computer screen and posting assignments on Google Classroom could not replace. What was missing was the magic. I was missing the magic of face-to-face interactions with my kids, the magic of inside jokes, the magic of close proximity when a student struggled to pay attention to a lesson, the magic of eye contact and showing a student with a simple look that we would get through this together. Together, I worked with 12 other Secondary English educators to gather the best ideas for keeping the magic alive in our online classrooms. Emily Aierstok, from Read it.