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Tutorials. Icons. Diseños CSS para menus.Configurables. Tutoriales : Inkscape y GIMP. Tag - inkscape - nojhan/art. En 2005, j'ai participé, au sein du LUG idile , à l'organisation de la seconde édition de l'évènement libr'east . Sur trois jours, des conférences sur le logiciel libre, des stands associatifs, le tout sur le campus de Champs-sur-Marne. J'y ai même fait un tutoriel sur Inkscape :-) Bref, à cette occasion, j'ai conçu l'affiche, les flyers et le design web (sous inkscape), après un nombre incalculable d'essais et de confrontation aux exigences des autres membres de l'association. Au final, nous sommes par miracle arrivé à nous mettre d'accord sur la version suivante. Pour l'anecdote, les aléas de la conversion RVB/CMJN ont conduit l'affiche imprimée à être sensiblement plus violette que sa contrepartie électronique. Les flyers ont naturellement suivi le même style, modulo une mise en page adaptée. Ainsi que la bannière (et le site web associé).

3d effects " the inkscape tutorials weblog. Here is awesome tutorial by Olga Bikmullina that explains 3 different techniques for creating artwork with an isometric projection using Inkscape. The techniques are: creating an Axonometric grid, Transforming objects, and creating 3D boxes. Depending on the type of design you are creating, you may use all three of these techniques in unison as well! Be sure to also check out some of Olga’s awesome vector illustrations done using inkscape!

Here is a quick how-to outlining the process to create custom inkscape SVG filters to style text. Continue reading This tutorial by Yuriy Apostol explains drawing objects in perspective using a somewhat underestimated 3D Box tool. Here is another awesome tutorial from the vectortuts+ website, describing how to draw a grungy, beat up cardboard box icon. This is an amazingly detailed tutorial on creating a detailed snowman illustration using Inkscape. And, Secondly, we have: Wrap Text Around a Globe: Another awesome screencast by heathenx: Continue reading.

Inkscape Tutorial: Spiro Swirls | Vectors. It took a long wait, but Inkscape 0.47 was released on 24 November 2009. It has taken over a year of intensive development and refactoring, but Inkscape is slowly growing up. We use several vector applications at VSD, but as strong supporters of Open Source software, Inkscape holds a special place.

We put up with some of its quirks and try to use the program wherever possible, as it has some seriously cool features. One of the new additions to Inkscape is the possibility to use Spiro curves (Cornu spirals), which were introduced to the design world by Raph Levien. In this tutorial I demonstrate the basics of Spiro curves in Inkscape at a slow pace and use it to create smooth flowing swirls. This tutorial assumes no prior Inkscape knowledge, so it may be a tat slow if you are already familiar with Inkscape's interface and the more advanced features such as the path editor. I know... File size: 7 MB The video starts automatically - just give it some time to load.

Iconfinder | Search and download free icons. EL GIMP. Todo Gimp: Cursos, tutoriales, actividades, pinceles, ... todo en ... Juglar : Generadores curiosos de imágenes - Septiembre - 2005. Gimpology: GIMP Tutorials and resources for the GIMP. Brochas para GIMP. Last week we published our first GIMP post “30+ Exceptional GIMP Tutorials and Resources” and saw a great appreciation from our readers. So this week, i would like to share with you 1000+ high-Resolution GIMP brushes that will be perfect for any project you may happen to be working on.

Also you will find some useful tutorial to teach you how to create your first GIMP brush-set and how to convert Photoshop brushes into GIMP brushes and more. Please note that Photoshop Brushes are now Fully Compatible with Gimp 2.4 and up. So you can now use any PS brush in your GIMP software. For another huge collection of Photoshop brushes, you might find some really stunning brushes over here. Important: Licenses of every brush set varies, so be sure to check that information before using them. 1. 1.1 GIMP Grunge Brush Pack 2 10 grunge GIMP brushes. 1.2 GIMP Scratchies Containing all six brushes in this set for the GIMP 1.3 Grunge brush set 3 Includes an imagepack and brushes for Gimp. 1.4 More grunge brushes. Creative Photoshop Brushes.

TUTORIALES DE gimp. Oct 20 2008 GIMP is a freely distributed GNU Image Manipulation Program. Available for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It’s always fun to experiment different techniques and learn how to work with various aspects of GIMP to spice up boring pictures and make them into works of arts and masterpieces. So, if you’re interested in learning some new skills, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced user, these GIMP tutorials are for you.

Below you will find an incredible amount some of the best GIMP tutorials hand picked to enhance or highlight whatever action is going on in the photo. 1. 1. This tutorial illustrates how to implement a nice animated menu using Mootoolsand some lines of CSS and HTML code ready to reuse in your project. 2. This tutorial will teach you a quick and simple way to recolor eyes. 3. This is specially for anime/cartoon style lineart. 4. A fairly easy tutorial to follow to make a sig. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. GIMP Plus - High Quality GIMP Tutorials. Wikitext variables. Zelan aldatu wiki-an atzean dagon kodea ( Theme Customizations. For those of you skipping right to the code boxes: THESE SAMPLES, AS PRESENTED, ARE A STARTING POINT ONLY, AND MAY NOT WORK IN YOUR THEME. <! -- <$WikiLogoOrSpaceName$> --><table class="WikiLogoTable WikiElement"><tr><td><a href="<$WikiSpaceUrl$>"><img src=" width="WIDTH" height="HEIGHT" /></a></td><td class="WikiLogoName"><a href="<$WikiSpaceUrl$>"><span style="color: white; font-size: 2em;"><$WikiSpaceText$></span></a></td></tr></table> <!

-- <$WikiLogoOrSpaceName$> --><table class="WikiLogoTable WikiElement"><tr><td><$WikiLogo$></td><td class="WikiLogoName"><a href="<$WikiSpaceUrl$>"><span style="color: white; font-size: 2em;"><$WikiSpaceText$></span></a></td></tr></table> background-image: url(" background-position: top left; Replace /space/showimage/my_favicon.ico with the URL of your icon. The Java™ Tutorials. The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails". The Java Tutorials primarily describe features in Java SE 8. For best results, download JDK 8. What's New The Java Tutorials are continuously updated to keep up with changes to the Java Platform and to incorporate feedback from our readers.

This release of the tutorial corresponds to the JDK 8u101 release. Two new processing limit properties, entityReplacementLimit and maxXMLNameLimit, have been added to JAXP. Trails Covering the Basics These trails are available in book form as The Java Tutorial, Sixth Edition. Creating Graphical User Interfaces Creating a GUI with Swing — A comprehensive introduction to GUI creation on the Java platform.Creating a JavaFX GUI — A collection of JavaFX tutorials. Specialized Trails and Lessons. Guía de iniciación al lenguaje Java. Tutoriales con GIMP. Quot; Gimp. - Gimp , tutorials , brushes , downloads, forum. Tutoriales de GIMP, Inkscape y Blender - GIMP-Es. Actividad con inkscape. Activdad co Inkscape. Copyright © 2005, 2006 Daniel Martínez. Se otorga permiso para copiar, distribuir y/o modificar este documento bajo los términos de la Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU, Versión 1.2 o cualquier otra versión posterior publicada por la Free Software Foundation; sin Secciones Invariantes, sin Cubierta Frontal, y sin Cubierta Posterior.

Se puede obtener una copia de la licencia de, también traducida al castellano, y comentada en la Wikipedia. Partimos de una imagen de mapa de bits de un globo terráqueo, cuanto más simple mejor, para obtener una imagen vectorial que podamos ampliar, reducir y modificar a antojo sin pérdida de calidad alguna. Si no disponemos de una, podemos recurrir a alguna imagen obtenida mediante Google, que transformaremos de la siguiente manera: Y empezaremos por abrir la imagen mediante Inkscape (versión 0.40 o superior), un programa de dibujo vectorial libre y gratuito tanto para MS Windows como para GNU/Linux.

Inkscape. Abstract Inkscape, Guide to a Vector Drawing Program is the guide to the Inkscape program. The web-based version is linked directly under the program's Help menu. This book is both an introduction and reference for the Inkscape drawing program. With Inkscape, one can produce a wide variety of art, from photo-realistic drawings to organizational charts. Inkscape uses SVG, a powerful vector-based drawing language and W3C web standard, as its native format. SVG drawings can be directly viewed by all the major web browsers including Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer (starting with version 9).

With the advent of HTML5, SVG will be easily embedded in web pages. The first third of the book is devoted to eight tutorials that progress in difficulty from very basic to very complex (three additional tutorials were written explicitly for the PDF and print versions). Dibuja Libremente. Documentación del curso de GIMP y otros - SOLEUP-WiKi. Ejemplo de php. Txt2Sup Main Page (Official Page). Como descomprimir y comprimir. Howtos. Comunidad GNU/Linux de Extremadura - Entrega 37. Personalización del entorno (y III). Apuntes de php: Arrays.