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Makeup and Cosmetics | Shop Eyes Lips Face. Easy Cat Eyeliner Tutorial. Cat eyeliner has got to the most unpredictable thing in makeup. You never know what shape you'll end up with. One wrong move & you'll have to think of ways to make it look right. I thought I'd share with you how I've been doing mine, because I think it's almost mistake-proof. So, here's a step-by-step tutorial: Apply eyeshadow on lid.

Here I used a very light shade (TF Pillow Talk shown below). Start lining from center of lid towards the outer corner, stop after drawing 1/2 " or so- as shown.Continue to line straight out. *It's up to you whether you want to line the lower lash line or not. Products Used: Because I have hooded lids, it's important that I contour my crease. Hope you liked the tutorial! ♥ Cynthia Z * 9 essentials to building a makeup kit. | Becoming Beautiful.

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Image by Psoup215 on flickr If you know nothing about makeup and cosmetics, having to step into the shiny cosmetic halls of myers can be daunting and scary. I remember the first time approaching the cosmetic counters and feeling like the stupidest person on earth. I remember how scared and nervous I felt and how sure I was that the sales assistants were going to think I was such a big idiot. And you know what, if the first counter I had approached was MAC with its amazing reputation of SAs who bite your head off, I’d probably never be sitting here today surrounded by my vast collection of my makeup products and loving it quite like I do now. Everybody has to start from somewhere. If you are looking to build a good basic kit, here are my recommendations on what you should have in your beginner’s kit and also my current fave product for it. 1.

A must for folks with oily lids (like me!) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Breaking Down Beauty: Fixing Broken Powder Cosmetics « Painted Ladies. By Sheila Arkee So, you have a favorite eyeshadow, pressed powder, or blush you absolutely cannot live without. Life happens, and sometimes before you even realize it, you find yourself the owner of your favorite product, smashed into 5 million little pieces. When your powder cosmetics are broken into 5 million pieces, you can always put them in a small container and use as a loose shadow, but you DO have the option of fixing the products so it’s almost as good as new.

It’s easy! I mean it! You’ll thank me! The only extra product you’ll need is Rubbing Alcohol that you can get from any old drugstore. Here is a lovely L’Oreal H.I.P. #319 eyeshadow that was sadly broken upon arrival. Step 1: Dump the shadow into a small bowl. Step 2: Use the back of a brush to crush the shadow into a fine powder. Step 3: I used the cap to my rubbing alcohol as a measurement and poured it into the container with the shadow.

My assistant insisted on helping out. Step 7: All set! Makeup Mon...errr Tuesday: Green Eyes. First, I know it's Tuesday and I'm predictably late with Makeup Monday. I hope the lack of alliteration doesn't detract from the post; I promise that I have lots of great excuses for not putting this up yesterday. Or, I fell asleep. One of my first forays into the wonderful world of bright eyeshadow was with a beautiful shade of green from Milani (whose older shadows were amazing), and I was forever hooked. Green has since become the most popular color in my rather large makeup collection, though I can't remember the last time I gave them a proper spotlight. That was rectified immediately, upon my recent purchase of the Urban Decay Black Palette, which has a beautiful dark emerald that was surprisingly missing from my arsenal.

For this look, I only used the dark green in the palette, Libertine, and the primer potion. For step by step instructions on how to achieve this look, continue reading after the jump! This will make the colors pop and keep them from creasing. ACW - Authentic Wholesale Discount MAC and Other Cosmetics.