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CocktailTimes - Cocktails | Tequila | Margarita | Drinks | Vodka | Rum | Cocktail Recipes. The Internet Cocktail Database | Welcome to CocktailDB! – Expert Guide to Cocktails, Spirits, Drink Recipes, Mixology and Bartending — Drink Recipes, Drinking Games and More at Bar None Drinks. DRINKSMIXER.COM: 21300+ mixed drink recipes, cocktails and drinks. Bar-ticulate, Comprehensive Bartenders Guide. Barticulate (Types of Liquor) "There is nothing more irritating than an ignorant bartender, except perhaps an ignorant and ugly bartender. Ugly and knowledgeable will kick ignorant and cute's ass when the chips are down. Know thy liquor. " - Frost Ah, sweet liquor. The foundation of all things bar. A subject with all the intrigue of History, the science of Chemistry and the deadly seriousness of Pharmacology. Walk behind even the most mundane bar and you're gazing at Human Evolution.

On this page, you will find all the basic types of liquor as well as lesser-known varieties. Liquor is produced by distilling fermented grain, fruit, or vegetables. Liquors typically have no added sugar. All home and professional bar setups are centered around a core group of liquors known as the "well". Vodka Rum Whiskey Gin Tequila No bar is complete without these core liquors in some variation. The Webtender - Cocktail & Mixed Drink Recipes and Bartending Guide. The Webtender Wiki. Wisconsin Cheese Cupid. ANBL - Alcool NB Liquor. Beautiful Women, Men's Fashion, Best Music, Drink Recipes.