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Run Android on Windows -- Windroy, Android with Windows kernel. Pearltrees Extension. Official English Site - Redefining Android. Best Custom ROMs for Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 [2013 Edition] It was in June 2012 that I wrote an article on the best ROMs for the Galaxy S3.

It has been a long time since then and though I updated that post every now and then with the newest ROMs, I began to feel that it was better to make a new post rather than updating the old one. The Galaxy S3 is an immensely popular Android phone and it is by far the most-selling phone from Samsung and therefore it has been a darling among Android developers. This has resulted in hundreds of custom ROMs and mods, so much that it might confuse a person who is planning to switch to a good ROM on his Galaxy S3. As for myself, I have to flash a custom ROM frequently but I always prefer a custom ROM that keeps me near to the stock Jelly Bean 4.1.2 firmware of my Galaxy S3 (with all its bloatwares) but gives me a better battery-life, smoother user UI and a few other tweaks and mods.

Quite recently, o example, I had been using the ParanoidAndroid ROM 3.0 and I must admit it was a very lovely experience for a week. CyanogenMod | Android Community Rom based on Jelly Bean. Los mejores temas para CyanogenMod 10 y 10.1. Tutorial CyanogenMod 10 Samsung Galaxy S3. Browsing i9300. RootBox | AOKP: Think outside the box. Five Best Android ROMs., you don't need to join the XDA Developers. I am with you, though. What do you need to know? It seems scary but the more you know the less scary it becomes.

Don't start without reading or watching videos. I am in the middle of putting CyanogenMod 9 on my Epic 4g. Here is what I think I have learned: Rooting and flashing the ROM are two different things. If you are a visual learner, search YouTube for QBKing77. TUTORIAL PARA ROOT SAMSUNG GALAXY SIII (PARA TONTOS) El Samsung Galaxy S3 se está convirtiendo en un smartphone muy popular entre la comunidad Android. Así que he pensado que lo mejor sería ayudaros a sacarle el mayor provecho a vuestro dispositivo.

Para eso, lo mejor es ser root. En general, hacer root no es algo tan difícil y deberíamos quitarnos el miedo. Para colaborar, hoy voy a explicar cómo hacer root a un Samsung Galaxy S3 en un vídeo. Antes de que nos adentremos en el maravilloso mundo del root, debo advertir un par de cosas. Este tutorial va dirigido al modelo estándar del Samsung Galaxy S3 (S III GT-I9300 GSM); en el momento que hagáis root perderéis la garantía de vuestro teléfono; y, por último, no es necesario guardar vuestro datos antes de realizar un root al S3, pero por si acaso es aconsejable hacerlo (como veréis en el vídeo yo no lo hice).

Para terminar, tengo que dejar claro que ni yo ni AndroidPIT se hace responsable de lo que le pueda suceder a vuestro teléfono. Vídeo: ¿Cómo rootear el Samsung Galaxy S3?