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Linux Mint (Versioni)

Amministrazione Ubuntu. Pulizia & Prestazioni. Audio/Video. Themes & Colors. Exiftool (Perl) Easy Linux tips project. Guayadeque Music Player 0.3.5 Released - Install on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Ubuntu/Linux Mint. Guayadeque Music Player is a fully featured music management program that designed on GStream media framework to manage large collection of smart playlists.

Guayadeque Music Player 0.3.5 Released - Install on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Ubuntu/Linux Mint

It also has support for ipod and portable device, downloads album covers automatically, play and record shoutcast radios, support, lyrics download and many more elegant features. Guayadeque 0.3.5 Features Album browser zoon mode allow you to select and view tracks.Added load defaults in shortcuts preferences.Added cue supportAllow to change language via Preferences -> GeneralDynamic playlists can be sorted by any criteria.Collections support added. Now you can add many collections as per your need.Many Bug fixes There aren’t new features, but few interesting features such as “new collection“, with this feature you can create a separate collection for instance, creating a collection name for different music stored in different locations etc.

The new collections added under “Sources“, you can select to Show them on the panel. Installare Indicator Netspeed in Ubuntu e derivate - Indicator Netspeed è un’ utile applet per avere sempre informazioni in tempo reale sulla velocità della nostra connessione internet.

Installare Indicator Netspeed in Ubuntu e derivate -

In questi anni abbiamo presentato diverse applicazioni e tool dedicati al controllo della nostra connessione internet, dalla verifica in tempo reale ai test di velocità ecc. Ad esempio troviamo bmon, tool per monitorare la nostra connessione o rete direttamente dal nostro terminale oppure Speedtest CLI per testare la velocità di download e upload della nostra connessione, in alternativa possiamo avere sempre a disposizione informazioni sulla velocità attuale della nostra connessione internet grazie a Indicator Netspeed. Indicator Netspeed è un semplice applet open source attraverso il quale potremo avere informazioni in tempo reale sulla velocità di upload e download della nostra connessione internet. Linux Mint: what it is and how to select the right flavour for you - Easy Linux tips project. Back to the home page When you seek an alternative for Windows 8.x or 10, then Linux Mint is definitely an excellent choice!

Linux Mint: what it is and how to select the right flavour for you - Easy Linux tips project

Linux Mint is derived from Ubuntu Linux (Ubuntu is being used as raw material) and is squarely aimed at the home user. Ease of use is first and foremost. It's just as easy to operate as Windows 7, and a lot easier than Windows 8.x or even 10. You can play your music and movies right away, you don't need to install anything extra for that.

Linux Mint is also entirely free of cost: Linux Mint doesn't generate any direct sort of income. You can install Linux Mint as many times as you want, on as many computers as you want. Information for advanced Linux users: nowadays, Linux Mint is exclusively built on the Ubuntu versions with the highest quality. Screenshots 1. The beautiful and elegant desktop of the flagship: main edition Cinnamon, with expanded menu (click on the image below to enlarge it): Pick your flavour: Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce or KDE. PPA: Dropbox. This repository is available for: Precise Trusty Vivid Wily Setup key with: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 5044912E Setup repository with: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb wily main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list' Setup package with:

PPA: Dropbox

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Using gufw and ufw to Configure an Ubuntu 11.04 Firewall. From Techotopia In Ubuntu 11.04 Firewall Basics we looked at ports and services on an Ubuntu 11.04 system.

Using gufw and ufw to Configure an Ubuntu 11.04 Firewall

We also briefly looked at iptables firewall rules on Ubuntu including the creation of a few very simple rules from the command line. In this chapter we will look at a more user friendly approach to iptables configuration using two tools named gufw and ufw. As we will see, gufw and ufw provide a high level of control over both inbound and outbound network traffic and connections without the need to understand the lower level iptables syntax.

[edit] An Overview of gufw and ufw. Come gestire facilmente il FireWall Linux con gufw. Articolo originale: Linux è conosciuto per il suo potente firewall chiamato iptables.

Come gestire facilmente il FireWall Linux con gufw

Tuttavia questo firewall deve essere gestito da linea di comando, usando dei lunghi e difficoltosi comandi. Pertanto è virtualmente inaccessibile per la maggior parte degli utenti. In Ubuntu la situazione è anche peggiore in quanto il firewall è disbilitato di default e non c'è una via semplice per avviarlo. Controllare il firewall come ogni altro servizio richiede la compilazione di alcuni scripts, difficili da fare ogni giorno.Ora non più.Per rendere iptables più maneggevole, è nato Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw). Questo tutorial vi mostrerà come potrete gestire facilmente il vostro firewall Linux usando gufw, avviando/fermando il servizio, creare regole, monitorare i logs, ecc. - tutto senz accedere alla linea di comando. Apps Directory.