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50 Awesome Online Lectures for Social Media Masters | MatchAColl. By Olivia Coleman Social media addicts and the developers, designers and business managers who run social media sites have totally revolutionized the way the rest of us get our news, network, promote our businesses, and connect with (and meet) friends. It has come a long way since it was first launched as a MySpace 2.0 for college students – now everyone from working professionals to high school students are getting in on the action. Students attending online universities are jumping into the social media bandwagon as a means to network in their field and stay connected to classmates all while working from home.

If you think you’re a social media smarty-pants, check out this list of 50 awesome online lectures dealing with social psychology, member-driven community structure, identity, etiquette, and marketing. General These general guides deal with Facebook hacks, page views, social media careers, and more. Finding High Quality Content in Social Media: Carlos Castillo from Yahoo! World Map of Social Networks. January 2017: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).

There are a lot of news since last January: Facebook is still the leading social network in 119 out of 149 countries analyzed, but it was stopped in 9 territories by Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and Linkedin. It’s interesting to see that in some countries, like Botwana, Mozambique, Namibia, Iran e Indonesia, Instagram wins and that some African territories prefer LinkedIn. Overall LinkedIn conquers 9 countries, Instagram 7, meanwhile VKontakte and Odnoklassniki (part of the same group grow up in Russian territories. In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 632 million users and Japan is the only country where Twitter is the leader. But what’s going on behind the first place? InShare1,047 inShare1,047. - Home. Tweetwasters – Wastin. Twitter Influence Analyzer.

The Social Web 2.0 Directory. An Insider's Guide To Marketing. Now that I am getting back on the grid after three weeks in Asia, I thought a good follow up post to my time covering the Olympics in Beijing would be sharing some tips on one site that I ended up very actively using throughout the Olympics: Flickr. I have had a Flickr account for several years now, but always looked at the examples of Brian Solis and Josh Hallet (among others) and felt I wasn't quite the super user of Flickr that I aspired to be.

While I'm not as profilic in capturing the people from all the events I attend as those two, I do consider myself an enthusiastic amateur photographer and at one point even considered doing it professionally. Now that I find myself squarely on the amateur side, I do have the same drive to have my photos seen and appreciated (below is a "Best of Beijing" gallery I just put together) ... This is a big deal because Flickr is not just a community of photos, it is a community where high quality photography is appreciated.