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Hermit. A VERY VERY Short Guide To Social Communities | Liberate Media - Brands are on their starting blocks for the Olympic social media. Brands are on their starting blocks for the Olympic social media dash July 10th, 2008 by Lloyd Gofton Over the next few moths you are going to see massive amounts of online coverage of the Olympics, most of it associated with huge brands.

One brand quickly off the blocks is Lenovo, who has a blog site called Voices of the Olympic games. As the name suggests the blog content is made up with athletes’ commentary of what they are currently up to. Lenovo has also got on the Twitter gravy train and is promising updates throughout the Olympics – to follow them click here – they have currently not updated! Hot on Lenovo’s heel is of course Coca-Cola who has produced a social media press release in English and Chinese. Coca-Cola Virtual Olympic Torch Relay Coca-Cola Olympic Photo Montage Design the World a Coke” Interactive Tool To participate you need a good understanding of Chinese! Just a taste of some of the big brands getting involved in the Olympics social media push. Gary's Social Media Count. Click for App Store Page Original Counter and Post from 24 Sep 2009! June 2013 ‘Social’ Update (mobile, games & heritage to come) June 2012 ‘Social’ Update August 2011 Update ABOUT Living statistics - Many of us who have been following social media since the early 90s are very sensitive to today’s exponential growth in usage of the sharing web.

If you want to embed this on your page just click the button in the bottom left of the app to copy the code to your clipboard OR use the code/s in the boxes at the bottom of this post. More about the Count - I quickly built and coded the app based on data culled from a range of social media sources & sites originally at the end of Sept 2009. The social web has exploded in the last year and below are some of the social media statistics based on key data points that the ‘Gary’s Social Media Count’ is based on (many will be updated!).

How To Boost Your Blog Traffic And PR For Free | SEO | Make Mone. Big Marketing For Small Business » Blog Archive » Social Media I. If you’re still on the fence as to whether to tap in to social media for marketing, below are some staggering numbers provided by Jon Swartz of USA Today that should get your attention: Facebook More than 10,000 websites use Facebook Connect, a service that lets Facebook users log in to affiliated sites using their Facebook account and share information from those sites with their Facebook friends.About 30 million Facebook members access it through mobile devices. Twitter Twitter users spend 66% more dollars on the Internet than non-Twitter users, says market researcher ComScore. LinkedIn LinkedIn has more than 365,000 company profiles. More than 12 million small-business professionals are members of LinkedIn. MySpace More than 1 million small businesses and individuals promote their goods and services on MySpace.

Smartphones power the trend Rajan Sodhi Rajan is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of BIG Marketing for Small Business. Social Media Revolution. Useful tools for digital marketers - a list of lists : Dave Chaf. Social Network Directory - Ning Directory - Promoting Ning Netwo. Social Media Marketing Tops Digital Marketing Tactics for 2009 | With concerns over the recession and its impact on marketing, we decided to run a TopRank Reader Poll to discover reader (and their networks) preferences for digital marketing tactics in 2009. Companies world-wide are cutting costs as well as looking for creative, high impact and accountable marketing.

Our amazing readers both on Online Marketing Blog and followers at @leeodden helped uncover the top tactics. Over the past 11 days 532 readers have cast 1559 votes for their 3 top digital marketing tactics for 2009 with Blogging, Twitter and Search Engine Optimization topping the list. Equally interesting was that out of the top 10 tactics, 6 fall into the category of Social Media Marketing . See the full list below along with other statistics about where voters came from as well as info about the readership of Online Marketing Blog. The question we asked was, “ What 3 digital marketing channels & tactics will you emphasize in 2009?

Other stats and observations about this poll: 10 golden rules for getting social media right (Digital's K. These emerged from the training sessions over the last couple of years and analysis of the case studies about both the successes and failures of social media marketing. It’s still critical to start by evaluating whether social media is right for your brand.

That means giving your team the time and resources to explore where social media could fit in your strategy. Often with new marketing techniques there’s a risk of running ahead of where the business really is. Typically many firms focus on Web 2.0 but don’t have the basic Web 1.0 model in place, so by starting with an internal assessment it helps create a strategy right for the business today. 1. Integrated digital marketing: Think webspace, not website Extend content and messaging beyond the brand website to where your customers spend their time. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The rules seem to hold true for consumer and business brands as well as budgets large and small. Top Social Media Sites of 2008 (Facebook Still Rising) - washing. What were the top social media sites of 2008? ComScore came out with its worldwide traffic stats for November a few days ago (so these don't include December).

They are a mix of social networks and blogging platforms. Blogger, the orange line in the chart above, still rules the roost with an estimated 222 million unique worldwide visitors in November (up 44 percent from November, 2007). Facebook, the blue line, is on pace to pass it soon with 200 million unique visitors (up 116 percent). ComScore keeps a list of what it calls "social networking" sites, but these include blogging platforms and other social media sites as well.

Below are the top 20 sites on comScore's social networking list. Top Social Media Sites (ranked by unique worldwide visitors November, 2008; comScore) Here's a screenshot of the actual data (as you can see, I rounded above): Digital Dialogs: Social media for orange juice's sake. Firms to spend more on social media - Brand Republic News - Bran.

Social Media Storm Erupts as Motrin Brand Campaign implodes, nee. I’ve been hearing about the Social Media Storm Spreads as Motrin Ad Angers Moms, that Social Media Campaigns for well established Brands, like Motrin, should always be run by someone who knows the Brand very well AND knows how Social Media functions, well – and, evidently, that didn’t happen, as referenced by B.L. Ochman. This Motrin ad about moms who wear their babies in a variety of slings has set off a fire-storm on Twitter, where #motrinmoms quickly became the topic of thousands of angry tweets, and in blogs from mothers and lots of others, like me, who find the ad condescending. A Facebook group of moms who find the ad offensive quickly followed.Clearly, nobody at Motrin, or its agency, was paying attention today, Sunday. And by Monday, you can bet that you’ll hear about this on the evening news and in dead tree media.

“…I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: an ad agency the last place a company should go when it wants to use the tools of social media.