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SlideShare: McDonald’s Social Media Strategy  McDonald’s hasn’t over played their hand in the social space so far, and that’s probably a good thing for most brands to consider when getting into social media.

SlideShare: McDonald’s Social Media Strategy 

What I like about the McDonald’s approach so far, is that they are there listening, have become willing conversationalists and are activating engagement, BUT are not trying to be over night heroes in launching the next Whopper Sacrifice Campaign or Ikea Facebook Campaign . The presentation is by Heather Oldani, U.S. Communications Director at McDonald? S and is a great social media strategy pres to pickup a few interesting points from. Enjoy! Help us share the digital goodness! Related Digital Buzz Posts: Zero to 60: Ford’s Social Media Strategy SlideShare: What the F**k is Social Media NOW? SlideShare: Social Media Around the World 2011 Slideshare: The Basics Of Social Media ROI Starbucks Social Strategy Keynote. Killer Facebook Fan Pages: 5 Inspiring Case Studies. Callan Green works in public relations and social media at Bailey Gardiner in San Diego.

Killer Facebook Fan Pages: 5 Inspiring Case Studies

You can read her posts on the company's marketing blog or follow her on Twitter. When Facebook re-launched its fan pages earlier this year, companies were thrilled. At last, there was a solid way to have a presence on Facebook, and users were actually responding positively. Within a couple of weeks it seemed as though every major brand had put up a page. However, very few are using them well. Sure, anyone can build a fan page in under 10 minutes, and some big brands may even attract fans without any real effort. The fan pages that are doing it right are the ones that are actively engaging with their fans. 1. The fan page for popular potato chip brand Pringles stands out mostly for its great use of video. 2.

The Coca-Cola fan page seems generic at first glance, but upon closer inspection it is really a testament to the brand's commitment to user participation. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion. Social Media ROI Examples & Video « Socialnomics – Social Me. By Erik Qualman A big question out there these days is: What is the ROI of Social Media?

Social Media ROI Examples & Video « Socialnomics – Social Me

Or the ever popular how do I measure the ROI of social media? Often when I get this question it’s appropriate for me to retort: “What’s the ROI of your phone?” Other times it’s not appropriate to respond with this answer, which, if done in the wrong tone, or place, can win you a free punch in the face. Then there are the naysayers that adamantly proclaim, “We aren’t doing social media because there isn’t any ROI.”

To borrow from the Conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, Benjamin Zander, there are those in life that sit in the back row with their arms folded, judging, and complaining. Drafting off the success of the Socialnomics: Social Media Revolution Video – over 1.2 million views and counting – thanks for the support! After all, why are we trying to measure social media like a traditional channel? “You can’t buy attention anymore. 1. 2. 3. 4-5. 6. 7-8. Chrisbrogan's casestudy Bookmarks on Delicious.