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Best Full Length UFO Documentaries List Online Available. The number of UFO documentaries has increased significantly since 2010.

Best Full Length UFO Documentaries List Online Available

Among the major players are BBC, National Geographic, History and Discovery Channel. These television channels are important partners to disseminate information to the public, and will also contribute to raise awareness on the global UFO phenomenon like does every day. Below is a chronological list of some of the better documentaries and documentary series related to the UFO phenomenon. The Resonance (2015) The Visit (2) (2015) – Watch here with norwegian VPN Australien Skies (2015) Ghost Rockets – Sweden (2015) The presence of aliens on earth – National Geographic Planet (2014) UFOs Secret – Discovery Science (2014) Sirius – Nr.1 on Netflix (2013) The Hidden Hand Alien Contact and the Government Cover up (2013) Documentaries. How would you respond if you were asked about the possible reality of psi phenomena, such as telepathy and psychokinesis?


Most people will respond by stating unequivocally that there is absolutely no scientific evidence for such supposed phenomena. Would you agree? What if I were to tell you that not only does such evidence exist, but there is so much of it that even hardcore materialist physicists have changed their minds in favor of such phenomena? The following documentary offers an eye-opening journey into the scientific reality of Psi phenomena, as presented by the faculty of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, or the PEAR Lab for short. The PEAR Lab spent nearly three decades studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes, in which it was shown repeatedly that consciousness displays characteristics and qualities that transcend those commonly assumed by mainstream physics.

Watch and enjoy! Source P.S. Sources- Renee. Down The Rabbit Hole We Go! 300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries. I watch a lot of documentaries.

Down The Rabbit Hole We Go! 300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries

I think they are incredible tools for learning and increasing our awareness of important issues. The power of an interesting documentary is that it can open our minds to new possibilities and deepen our understanding of the world. On this list of mind expanding documentaries you will find different viewpoints, controversial opinions and even contradictory ideas. Critical thinking is recommended. I’m not a big fan of conspiracy documentaries but I do like films that challenge consensus reality and provoke us to question the everyday ideas, opinions and practices we usually take for granted. Watching documentaries is one of my favorite methods of self-education. I hope you find these mind expanding documentaries as enlightening as I did! [1] Life In The Biosphere Explore the wonder and interconnectedness of the biosphere through the magic of technology. 1.

. [2] Creativity and Design: 1. . [3] The Education Industrial Complex: 1. . [4] The Digital Revolution: 1. 1. 1. 166 Free Documentaries That Will Expand Your Consciousness. The Fractal Nature of Consciousness. Documentales de tecnología que te darán que pensar. Hay muchas formas de contar una historia.

Documentales de tecnología que te darán que pensar

Estamos acostumbrados a ver películas y series, pero en los últimos años estamos viendo cómo el formato de documental está teniendo una época dorada. Quizá gracias a documentales basados en personas como Fahrenheit 9/11 de Michael Moore, o Super Size Me de Morgan Spurlock, lograron convertir el documental el un formato usado más allá para conocer la vida de los animales en la selva o en el desierto. Hay una segunda revolución en los documentales. Cineastas con pocos recursos pero con ganas puedan lograr terminar su sueño de un documental gracias a la ayuda de otras personas, mediante plataformas como Kickstarter. Crear, editar y distribuir un documental no es barato, tampoco fácil, pero se puede hacer y lograr captar la atención de millones de personas sobre un tema. Lo sorprendente es que hay una gran cantidad de documentales relacionadas con la tecnología y el mundo en el que vivimos ahí fuera. Indie Game: The Movie Ver en YouTube We Are Legion. Over 500 Social Change Documentaries on 1 Page.

Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries above.

Over 500 Social Change Documentaries on 1 Page

Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. From all the documentaries above, it's evident that our society needs a new story to belong to. The old story of empire and dominion over the earth has to be looked at in the full light of day - all of our ambient cultural stories and values that we take for granted and which remain invisible must become visible.

But most of all, we need to see the promise of the alternatives - we need to be able to imagine new exciting ways that people could live, better than anything that the old paradigm could ever dream of providing. So take this library of films and use it.