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Interviews: Alex Kilian: Creativity and Learning in a Collaborative Environment. Interviews: Alex Kilian: Creativity and Learning in a Collaborative Environment. Axel Kilian. Axel Kilian recently completed a PhD and subsequent Post Doctoral position in the Computation Group in the Department of Architecture at MIT. He came to MIT on a Fulbright scholarship after completing his professional architecture degree at the University of the Arts in Berlin, Germany. During his stay he also completed his Master of Science in Architectural Studies at MIT.His PhD research centered on design exploration in the context of architecture and design processes using computational processes, namely programming and parametric design in combination with fabrication. Recent projects range from architectural form finding applications, collaboration on concept car designs with the media lab, to a number of full scale installations. Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Post doctoral Associate in Computation Department of Architecture, MIT (Jan 2006- Jan 2007) Awards Publications Kilian, A.

Like this: Axel Kilian, Ph.D., Dipl.-Ing. Overview of Projects. Simon Greenwold. Dome Catenary (with Axel Kilian's CADenary tool) Structural Design Lab: Projects. Dome Catenary (with Axel Kilian's CADenary tool) Cadenary string modeller. Final_report_v6.indd - final_paper.pdf. Ochsendorf_march2005 - KilianOchsendorfIASS.pdf. Microsoft Word - PDF-finalversion.doc - KilianACADIA.pdf. CADenary tool by Axel Kilian.