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Dragon's Den

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Welcome | iTeddy. The Orthotic Group. CAR LEASING CHEAP LEASE CARS SALES CAR LEASING CHEAP CONTRACT HIRE DEALS. Levi Roots' Reggae Reggae Sauce™. Put music in your food! Home. Dragons' Den (UK) Dragons' Den is a British television series, hosted by Evan Davis. The format of the show is owned by Sony Pictures and is based on the original Japanese series, which has been sold around the world. The programme has been produced by BBC Manchester since its inception and it was first broadcast on BBC Two on 4 January 2005. The show allows several entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their varying business ideas to a panel of five wealthy investors, the "Dragons" of the show's title, and pitch for financial investment offering a stake of the company in return. Contestants have what they perceive to be a viable and potentially profitable business idea but lack funding, or are already trading in their business but need additional funds for promotion or expansion.

They are required as part of their opening pitch to specify the amount of money they require from the Dragons. Jump up ^ Percentage of equity drops to 38% if targets are hit. Episode ratings from BARB.[10] Where Are They Now?