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Web2py Web Framework. Learn Python The Hard Way, 2nd Edition — Learn Python The Hard Way, 2nd Edition. 10 Free Python Programming Books. Below is a collection of 10 great Python programming books that are available online in full, completely free of charge: Dive into Python This is a fantastic book that is also available in print . It covers everything, from installing Python and the language's syntax, right up to web services and unit testing. This is a good book to learn from, but it's also excellent to use a reference.

I frequently find myself visiting the site! If you only read one book on this list make it this one. An Introduction to Tkinter Tkinter is a popular cross-platform Python GUI toolkit, and this book provides a good introduction with lots of examples. How to think like a Computer Scientist This book uses Python to explain some Computer Science principals. The Standard Python Library This book provides a detailed description and usage examples for all of the modules in Python's standard library. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python The Django Book The Pylons Book Pylons is another Python web framework.

Too. Python Programming Language – Official Website. A Python Book: Beginning Python, Advanced Python, and Python Exercises. 2.2 Regular Expressions For more help on regular expressions, see: 2.2.1 Defining regular expressions A regular expression pattern is a sequence of characters that will match sequences of characters in a target. The patterns or regular expressions can be defined as follows: Literal characters must match exactly. Because of the use of backslashes in patterns, you are usually better off defining regular expressions with raw strings, e.g. r"abc". 2.2.2 Compiling regular expressions When a regular expression is to be used more than once, you should consider compiling it.

Import sys, re pat = re.compile('aa[bc]*dd') while 1: line = raw_input('Enter a line ("q" to quit):') if line == 'q': break if print 'matched:', line else: print 'no match:', line Comments: We import module re in order to use regular compiles a regular expression so that we can reuse the compiled regular expression without compiling it repeatedly. 2.2.3 Using regular expressions Notes: BeginnersGuide/Programmers.

This is a Wiki page. Users with edit rights can edit it. You are, therefore, free to (in fact, encouraged to) add details of material that other Python users will find useful. It is not an advertising page and is here to serve the whole Python community. Users who continually edit pages to give their own materials (particularly commercial materials) prominence, or spam the listing with multiple entries which point to resources with only slightly altered material, may subsequently find their editing rights disabled. You have been warned. A beginner-friendly Python tutorial that starts with the absolute basics but also covers more advanced stuff like Python software deployment. Python Course. Uta Priss This is a generic version of a class "Computer Programming for Information Management" that I taught twice a year at the School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University Bloomington. The materials in this course are mostly self-explanatory and can be used for self study.

(There are some references in the materials to Indiana University accounts and settings which should be ignored.) Notes: 1) The materials in this course are copyrighted. 2) Please only contact me in case you find errors in the text or have comments. Please, don't contact me with questions about how to solve the exercises. 3) I will not be responsible for any possible damage that any of the scripts and exercises in this course may have.

Week 1. ExercisesAnswers Week 2. Python Bibliotheca. Python Tutorials, more than 300, updated March 2, 2009 and carefully sorted by topic and category. Django | The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.