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How to Add Voice Comments to Your Google Documents. Artopia :: Media Arts :: Movie Soundtrack. 10 Ways To Build Your Voice-Over Skills. At some point in your video creation career, you’ll have to perform a voice over. Whether your regular narrator is sick or you have a very tight budget, recording your own voice over is a feasible but humbling task. To lighten your load, we’ve assembled our 10 favorite voice over tips. Some are very simple, some are somewhat technical, but all will save you time and frustration. #1-Find Your Voice If you consume much mass media, you may have noticed the decline of “Mr. Announcer Voice.” You know the sound. . #2-Slightly Larger Than Life While your normal speaking voice may be fine in person, it loses a little something in a voice over. . #3-Know the Material It may seem obvious, but be sure to pre-read the material several times before you start recording.

. #4-Good Gear Obviously, you want to use the best possible equipment to record your voice over, but the definition of “best” is subjective. . #5-Standing Delivery Consider recording your voice over standing up. . #6-Take Care of Yourself #8-Ummm... Sign in. Vocaroo | Online voice recorder. Free internet audio mp3 player for personal websites| AudioPal.