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12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free. Tips: How to Consume More Books This Year. Over 40% of Americans claim not to have read any books in the previous year. The survey was last conducted in 2002, and noted falling reading rates from previous years. I’m sure if you’re reading through that you probably don’t expect reading to stop after you graduate. Yet, with such dismal statistics, how can you beat the odds and read more books this year?

Why Bother Reading More? I’m sure you’ve seen the advertisements where famous celebrities sit next to a stack of books they haven’t read and tell you to read more. I usually read 50-70 books each year and I believe it is one of the best investments of time and money I can make. Knowledge. There are many other reasons for reading and I suggest you come up with your own. How to Read More Books This Year Here are a few tips for boosting the amount of books you can read: Speed Read. Homeschool High School | College Admissions Counselors | College Admissions Consulting | College Admissions Consultant | College Admissions Consultants — Aiming Higher Consultants is a college consulting firm dedicated to helping students with high school.

St Catharine's College Cambridge - English. From Dr. Hester Lees-Jeffries and Dr. Caroline Gonda Directors of Studies in English St. Catharine’s College Tel: 01223 339985 / 01223 338358 E-mail: / It’s time to provide you with a list of the preliminary reading required before you join us in October. We’re really looking forward to having you here at St Catharine’s. In your first term of study, you'll be working with Dr L-J on Shakespeare.

I would like you to complete a short piece of written work before you arrive, as a way of focusing your reading. You need to have a copy of David Bevington’s Arden edition of Troilus and Cressida (which is the set text for your Faculty Classes in the Easter Term, 2009) and to read it with considerable care, including the notes, sources, appendices, &c, so that you're well prepared for the Faculty Shakespeare classes.

For these classes you will need your own copy of the following texts: John Lennard, The Poetry Handbook (Oxford, 1996) - to be read beforehand. Self Made Scholar - Free Self Education Classes Online. Technophilia: Get a free college education online. Khan Academy. Skillswise - Maths Games. HippoCampus - Homework and Study Help - Free help with your algebra, biology, environmental science, American government, US history, physics and religion homework.

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