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Minifier - compress JavaScript or CSS, deminify JavaScript or CSS, create SQL INSERT commands from CSV. Browserhacks. Ciudad Blogger: Usando la etiqueta Fieldset y Legend. La etiqueta FIELDSET originalmente está diseñada para agrupar elementos dentro de un formulario, de esta forma varios INPUT se pueden organizar dentro de un campo de un formulario. Por ejemplo este código: <form> <fieldset> <legend>Datos personales:</legend> Nombre: <input type="text" size="30" /><br /> Dirección: <input type="text" size="30" /><br /> Teléfono: <input type="text" size="30" /> </fieldset> </form> Se convierte en esto: Pero no, no haremos formularios pues para ello necesitaríamos un servidor y algo de PHP para enviar y almacenar los datos.

Pero sí podemos darle otro uso a la etiqueta FIELDSET, por ejemplo, para destacar un texto, mostrar una descripción, o incluso para poner los ingredientes de una receta. Por ejemplo: El código que hemos usado es este: <fieldset> <legend>Título</legend>... Organizado pero muy simple ¿verdad? <fieldset style="border:6px groove #ccc; background:#F8ECE0;"> <legend style="font-weight:bold; color:#61380B;">Título</legend>... [+/-] Ver código. Less Framework 4. I called Less Framework "a CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites".

It was basically a fixed-width grid that adapted to a couple of then popular screen widths by shedding some of its columns. It also had matching typographic presets to go with it, built with a modular scale based on the golden ratio. The resources it was originally published with are still available on GitHub. Contrary to how most CSS frameworks work, Less Framework simply provided a set of code comments and visual templates, instead of having predefined classes to control the layout with. /* Default Layout: 992px. Less Framework was popular in the early days of responsive design. Eventually, I moved on from fixed-width grid systems and worked on a fully fluid-width one, in the form of Golden Grid System. Less Framework's popularity was helped by the following contributions and the lovely people behind them (dead links crossed off): Herramientas para webmasters de Google - Página principal. Altfontprev - un bookmarklet JavaScript para previsualizar cualquier sitio con fuentes alternativas.

About AltFontPrev is a JavaScript bookmarklet that allows you to preview how any website would look if a particular font was not available or a different font chosen. Each font used to style elements on the page is listed under its selector and, when clicked, is moved from being a fall-back to being the primary font. As well as choosing a font from the existing CSS declarations, you can type a custom font to override everything.

Hopefully this will help you choose alternative fonts when perfecting your site’s typography. Installation Create a bookmark with the following as its address ( line-wraps marked ↵ ): To preview the site you're viewing with alternative fonts, simply click the bookmark and AltFontPrev will appear. Usage Select an element from the CSS selectors drop-down menu then click an existing font or type a custom one and hit enter to update the page. For more information, read the blog post . 50 Useful Tools and Resources For Web Designers. Advertisement An effective, well-organized workflow is an important asset of professional web designers. The more useful and time-saving your tools are, the more time you can focus on important things, thus creating a foundation for timely good-quality results.

The problem is that there are just way too many tools, services and resources out there, so it has become difficult to keep track on them and find those tiny little time-savers that will spare you headaches and save time in a long run. And this is where we come in. Back in old days, Smashing Magazine used to publish lists after lists, with plethora of links that covered different topics all somehow related to web design and development. We have undergone quite a development since then, and are now publishing almost only in-depth articles — written by some of the best professionals in the industry. However, useful, carefully prepared and filtered lists are still useful, and therefore we keep publishing them as well. Typography.


Templates. Video. Wireframes. Joomla. Páginas Web Gratis | Descubre Cómo Crear Una Página Web | WIX. Desarrollar aplicaciones para Wix con HTML5 es una gran oportunidad. Wix, el principal sitio de publicación web HTML5 gratuita acaba de anunciar que los usuarios han instalado 1.500.000 de aplicaciones web de terceros en los cuatro meses transcurridos desde que el App Market de Wix fue lanzado en octubre del 2012. El kit de desarrollo de software de Wix (software development kit – SDK) permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones web que se adaptan a las necesidades de los propietarios de pequeños y medianos negocios, quienes conforman el 80 por ciento de la base total de 30 millones de usuarios de Wix.

Al proporcionar a este específico segmento de usuarios de una manera fácil de integrar nuevas funcionalidades de negocios, marketing y actividades sociales para sus sitios web, los desarrolladores ganan exposición masiva y un canal libre para la adquisición de sus aplicaciones. Con más de un millón de nuevos usuarios por mes, Wix es el creador de sitios web de más rápido crecimiento en el mundo.

“El beneficio del App Market de Wix es doble.


Open Atrium. Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration. Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7 A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework. Adds the ability to have private "sections" within a collaboration space with granular access control. Drag/drop layout control with dozens of widgets that can be placed on dashboards and landing pages. Comes with Discussions, Events, Issue tracking, and Document Wiki out of the box, along with the dashboards to manage it all. Please use the Issue Queue to post bug reports and patches for OA2 only (not OA1). Demos The following webinar videos for Open Atrium 2 are available: Open Atrium 2.x Projects These modules are part of the official Open Atrium project and are actively maintained and approved.

Other Modules that work with Open Atrium 2.x System Requirements Open Atrium 1.x for Drupal 6.