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Sunrise Breakfast Smoothies. Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie Recipe. Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie Recipe This past week has been a whirl wind.

Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie Recipe

For the last couple of months, I have been pondering and looking for direction in my life. It has been a struggle, but my puzzle pieces finally came together. It’s amazing how life works itself out. I am grateful and truly blessed. I used the leftover fruit from our strawberry mango jicama salad to make our smoothies. We raised our glasses, clinked them together, and exclaimed Cheers-it was fun celebrating an exciting week with a refreshing strawberry mango smoothie.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day! Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie Ingredients:1 cup sliced strawberries 1 cup peeled, pitted, and chopped mango 6 ounces plain Greek yogurt (or 1 container store bought yogurt) 6-8 ice cubesDirections:Place strawberries, mango, and yogurt in a blender. If you like this smoothie, you might also like: Orange Julius Recipe - Smoothie Recipes. Super Citrus Smoothie. Let’s just close out eyes and pretend we’re sitting under an orange tree.

Super Citrus Smoothie

An orange tree heavy with fruit… but with the occasional late blooming blossom. There are honey bees too. Just a few. The friendly kind. The kind of honeybees that remind you that life is full of creatures big and small… and we all have tasks to do. Mango Orange Smoothie. Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie. Summer is finally in full swing here, after a late start marked by thunderstorms and cool nights.

Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie

This did a number on my vegetable garden, which is still trying to find itself, but I have to say, I loved the temporary stay from the heat of our summers. That heat has now arrived, which means I’m not leaving my house ’til September. I’ve really been enjoying plain, unflavored yogurt lately and have began buying two large cartons of the stuff every time I go to the grocery store. Smoothies for Breakfast.

Before we all load up on Super Bowl food, let’s take a break and have…a smoothie.

Smoothies for Breakfast

My mom has years of experience as an oncology social worker, and is a big believer in mind-body medicine. She’s also—wait for it—a very healthy eater, and she never walks through my house on the first day of her visit without carrying a bag of cruciferous vegetables and colorful fruits. During her last visit to the ranch a couple of weeks ago, she got my girls hooked on eating smoothies for breakfast. They’re now addicted and make them regularly. So much better than Cocoa Puffs! Blueberry Mango Smoothie Recipe. Blueberry Mango Smoothie School is back in session and the mornings might be a little crazy.

Blueberry Mango Smoothie Recipe

I remember the days of fighting for the bathroom, finishing up my homework, frantically searching for my library books, and trying to eat breakfast before I missed the bus. There never seemed to be enough time in the morning. I was always rushed. If you are looking for an easy, healthy breakfast, try this Blueberry Mango Smoothie. Raspberry Smoothie and Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits. Raspberry Smoothie and Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits Biscuits, Breads, Breakfast and Brunch, Drinks, Giveaway, Product Reviews | 405 comments This giveaway is now closed.

Raspberry Smoothie and Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits

Congratulations Courtney Sweets! We made these Raspberry Orange Smoothies (we called them Sweetheart Smoothies for their festive color) and these tender, flaky Cinnamon Sugar Buttermilk Biscuits for a little pre-Valentine’s day treat when the kids were home from school. Green Monster Smoothies » Annie's Eats. I’ve always been very good about eating my vegetables and I’ve never had a problem with spinach, but when I first heard of putting spinach in a smoothie it seemed like blasphemy.

Green Monster Smoothies » Annie's Eats

Why on earth would anyone want to do such a thing to their smoothie? But, I kept hearing and hearing about people who do this and actually, you know, enjoy it. One or two and I would have thought it a fluke but it was so many people, I knew it wasn’t just health fanatics. I don’t know about you but spinach seems to be sold only in far larger quantities than we could ever use before it goes bad.

Recently I once again found myself with an overabundance of baby spinach and knew it was time to give this a try. He was even more excited when I told him it was called a green monster smoothie because this is one of his favorite books. Note: I’ve seen green smoothies made with different greens such as kale or chard, and all sorts of combinations of fruits.

Mixed Berry Summer Smoothie. Mixed Berry Summer Smoothie ~ From Bikini Killer Cookies to Belt Bust’n Chocolate Bars, I’m kicking the week off with a healthy summer smoothie that’s packed with antioxidant-packed super foods.

Mixed Berry Summer Smoothie

Mixed Berry Summer Smoothie I’m not intentionally doing a 180 here, but boysenberry season has just begun here in California. Every year I go crazy stocking up on them. The season is so brief, lasting for less than ninety days I have to get them while I can. Similar in appearance to a blackberry, the boysenberry is distinctly different in taste but packs a similar antioxidant punch. When you can find them, buy a lot. As a result, I don’t try to push raisins on my son. Really, can you think of better way to get your healthy fruits than sipping it all in one delicious glass of frosty goodness?