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Pulse. 12 Tricks The Pros Use To Hack Facebook. A total of 40 percent of all interaction on Facebook occurs in the News Feed, yet most brands experienced a 47 percent drop in reach in the past six months. How can you get your reach back? Here are a few tips that the pros use: David and Goliath. The smaller guys buy the names of their larger competitors in Facebook’s search. Just try typing in “Eloqua” to see Marketo’s ad — also try “Canadian Music Week” or “Get Satisfaction” to see our fun message.

It costs pennies to do. Surfing credibility. Post frequency management. Asking for shares. Blending content. Run ads to boost organic exposure. Leverage your Facebook contacts. Have users ready to comment back on brand posts. Use Facebook Exchange to increase conversion rates. Passion Pages. Make a mistake intentionally. 20 Content Marketing Tips to Boost Traffic, Engagement and Sales. With the explosion of sites like WordPress, YouTube, Pinterest and Facebook, content can go viral very quickly.

By creating high quality, engaging content your brand can be shared around the world within minutes – something that would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing costs ten years ago. The social media revolution has changed the way we market content. Here’s some numbers that support the revolution: 2 billion videos are watched daily on YouTube200,000,000 blog posts can be read on WordPress50 million tweets per day on TwitterMore than 1 billion active users on Facebook But the shift towards content marketing can also be credited to Google. In February 2011, Google launched the now infamous Panda update that penalized websites for low quality and thin content.

The chart below from Google Trends clearly shows a major increase in ‘content marketing’ searches since February 2011. Both of these updates lead to a change in the SEO industry. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Best in Practice: What Works in Customer Service | Your reputation for providing quality customer service matters. In fact, as our latest infographic illustrates, the importance of providing great customer service is two fold: you need it to maintain your existing customer base and you need it so your base will promote you to potential customers.

Your customers are talking about you on a variety of channels, such as social media, blogs and review sites. And your potential customers are listening: only 1% of respondents said that a company’s customer service reputation is not important when they consider whether or not to do business with them. One of the most important factors in providing great service is being able to respond to customers through a variety of channels.

Many respondents (43%) listed the web as their preferred method of contacting customer support, but it’s important to acknowledge that there are at least 5 other methods outside of the traditional “in store” method that need to be accounted for. Social Media Marketing and Blogging. 20 Content Marketing Tips to Boost Traffic, Engagement and Sales. #OpPenPal | until they are all free.