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The Useless Web. The Last Page of the Internet. Infinite Drunk Ron Swanson. Patience is a virtue | Welcome. Cum Isi Adoarme Un Programator Copilul. §. Koalas to the Max dot Com. RRR GGG BBB. Henry Miller on the Beautiful Osmosis of Giving and Receiving. By Maria Popova “It’s only when we demand that we are hurt.” In The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 3: 1939-1944 (public library) — from whence this poignant meditation on the difference between Paris and New York came — Nin shares a letter she received in the summer of 1942 from Henry Miller, with whom she’d been closely involved creatively, intellectually and, for a long time, romantically.

Miller, passionately articulate as ever, gets to the heart of the beautiful osmosis of altruism: By choosing to live above the ordinary level we create extraordinary problems for ourselves. The ultimate goal is to make this earth a paradise.[…]For me it is no problem to depend on others. I am always curious to see how far people will go, how big a test one can put them to.Certainly there are humiliations involved, but aren’t these humiliations due rather to our limitations? Isn’t it merely our pride which suffers? Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Is it Christmas?

Will the future be awesome? Iamawesome.