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MIS HERRAMIENTAS. Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom. 6 Simple Ways to Accelerate your Learning with Mind Mapping. Learning to learn remains a powerful and necessary skill in every field of activity.

6 Simple Ways to Accelerate your Learning with Mind Mapping

In addition to this skill, imagine that your learning can be accelerated, your mind challenged and your efficiency improved. The following ways to accelerate your learning are simple yet indispensable for successful results. 1. Focus on a central topic What are you focusing your learning on? Organize your ideas around itchoose the right layout for the information you are trying to retainestablish the relationship between the central topic and other secondary topics related to it Structuring your ideas on a visually appealing “canvas” will allow you to come back to your ideas any time and build on your central topic. 2. What is the best way to do this? Create subtopics which allow you to summarize the most important ideasadd comments or notes to any topic addressed where necessaryemphasize on the mind map the section you want to focus on at a later time by adding a boundary 3. 4. 5. 6.

3 sites pour trouver des GIF animés. Pour exprimer une émotion, une idée, ou un état d’esprit, un GIF animé vaut parfois mieux qu’un long discours.

3 sites pour trouver des GIF animés

Si des services existent pour créer un GIF animé, rechercher une animation réalisée par un internaute peut s’avérer utile et permet de gagner du temps. NeoBook Rapid Application Builder - Overview. Now it's easy to create and publish your own Windows software apps.

NeoBook Rapid Application Builder - Overview

With NeoBook Rapid Application Builder even inexperienced users can quickly combine combine text, pictures, sound, video, Flash animation, HTML content, Internet links, databases*, special effects and other elements to create interactive, professional software programs such as: NeoBook's easy-to-use, floating tool palette and wizards allow you to construct many types of applications using simple drag and drop commands. It's easy to setup hotspots, command buttons, text entry fields, check boxes, lists and other interactive controls. Quickly create an interface that allows readers to turn pages, enter responses, pop up messages, play multimedia files, run other software, perform calculations, display Internet sites, and more.

A built-in scripting language and a variety of plug-ins are also available to extend the capabilities of NeoBook even further. 21st Century Presentations. Approved Web Apps. ICT Tools and Resources for Schools, Teachers and Educators. English Lesson Plan Ideas With Popplet. Get some tips on English lesson plans from other teachers using Popplet in the classroom Our education survey this year revealed that the majority of teachers using Popplet in school make use of our app in their English classes.

English Lesson Plan Ideas With Popplet

Some 56% of respondents use Popplet to enhance English class activities with their students. If you are looking for ideas for English lesson plans with Popplet, here’s some activity suggestions that teachers around the world have been using with their students of all ages. English lesson plans for kinder/early childhood ages Kinderchat teacher leader Matt Gomez has shared how he uses Popplet to help very young students gain English language acquisition skills, including understanding word sounds, and creating word webs that show the connection between words and images around a common theme. Mrs Walsh uses Popplet to help her young students map out the plotline of their class reading, here’show they showed the flow of the story “Owl Babies”:

Technology Icons. 6 herramientas para crear nubes de palabras. ¿Necesitas elaborar nubes de palabras pero no sabes qué herramientas utilizar?

6 herramientas para crear nubes de palabras

¿Ya utilizas alguna y te gustaría probar otra aplicación para crear nubes de palabras? Aquí te presento 6 herramientas que he encontrado para generar nubes de palabras. Pros: Permite imprimir o guardar la nube de tags.Puedes personalizar hasta el número de palabras (100) que tenga en cuenta para generar la nube de tags.Permite personalizar los colores que se van a utilizar a partir de una paleta de colores.Permite personalizar la fuente.Permite personalizar la alineación del texto. Contras: La combinación de colores es limitada y no podemos escoger específicamente los que deseemos.Hay publicidad en la página, teniendo en cuenta que está orientado a los más peques no me parece muy apropiado. Mi ejemplo. Más de 1300 herramientas 2.0, recursos y materiales educativos y didácticos para experimentar. Congreso TIC Más de 1300 herramientas 2.0, recursos y materiales educativos y didácticos para experimentar Más de 1300 herramientas web que podemos probar o usar confines didácticos y educativos de forma gratuita y sin registrarnos.

Más de 1300 herramientas 2.0, recursos y materiales educativos y didácticos para experimentar

Se aconseja que l@s niñ@s utilicen estos recursos siempre bajo la supervisión de un adulto. Animación. ABCYa! Visitas: 4941 Etiquetas: herramientas2.0, recursos, tic, web2.0 Me gusta. Index. DigitalTeachingTools. The Web 2.0 Collection by David Kapuler. 28 Free Social Bookmarking Tools for educators. Update: Based on Alex's and Diana's comments two more tools were added at the top of the list!

28 Free Social Bookmarking Tools for educators

How to - Social Bookmarking in Plain English eLearning TagseLearning Tags is the 1st Free social bookmarking site where you can discover, share, vote and discuss interesting and remarkable eLearning and Educational Technology content! eLearning Tags offers helpful information on a number of topics concerning distance education including eLearning, Instructional Design, Gamification, Social Learning, MOOCs, mLearning and more.SymbalooeduOrganize and Share the best of the web with your students.

Organize teaching resources all in one place. Encourage student to student communications. You may also find the following lists of tools useful: Français. Jocegermain. Games. French grammar games.