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Beaded Leather Bracelet. Double Wrap Bracelet. If you read here often, you know my affinity for bracelets.

Double Wrap Bracelet

I have been on a bit of a jewelry-withdrawal lately, so I figured I was due for a new bracelet. ;) This is a fun one just in time to go with your holiday sparkles because it has a bit of shine. I got most of my supplies from (They have some amazing sales coming up this weekend - I blogged about them here!) What you will need: Hemp or Cotton twine – I used a black waxed linenBeads you love – I used not quite 2 strands of 6x8mm silver crystal rondelle beadsNeedle and threadButton for your closureScissorsOptional but helpful – clipboard to hold your bracelet while you work.

Cut 48″ of cord. Double your cord. Now, secure your cord somehow. To add your first bead, begin moving to the right – go over the left strand, and thread on a bead. Now, work in the other direction, moving left. Just continue this motion. At some point (or 2 or 3 points), you will run out of thread. Continue on! Then, knot it underneath. Threaded Bracelet. My goal this holiday season was to really try my best to make some homemade gifts.

Threaded Bracelet

So far I’m doing pretty well with my wreath, some burlap covered candles, some personalized coasters and this past weekend I gave a try at some jewelry. You may have noticed how wrap bracelets are everywhere lately. Chan Luu bracelets are extremely popular these days. They come in singles and also in wraps. I love love the look of these bracelets. I did the top bracelet by simply following this tutorial. 1. 2.Bring your needle up under the right cord through the center and pull the thread through. DIY Wrap Bracelet. You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists.

DIY Wrap Bracelet

The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. Clearly this arm party train isn’t stopping and it’s about time you get on board! You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions). Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!! DIY Chan Luu-Style Wrap Bracelet.

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DIY Chan Luu-Style Wrap Bracelet

Filed under Accessories, Bracelets, Jewelry Tagged as Accessories, bracelets, Chan Luu, DIY, DIY Jewelry, do it yourself, Fashion, Fashion DIY, jewelry, Runway, Runway DIY, Wrap Bracelets. DIY Ribbon + Chain Bracelets from #MAGICLV. Here’s the second DIY I led with with BurdaStyle direct from the MAGIC floor.

DIY Ribbon + Chain Bracelets from #MAGICLV

We did these bracelets on Wednesday, the final day of the show. It was a perfect project to wrap-up with because it was fast and easy. I think we were all feeling a little bit like the walking dead after spending the 4 days running around Las Vegas 20 hours a day. Photo courtesy BurdaStyle The supplies are simple: chain + ribbon. For each bracelet you’ll need about 6″ of chain and 16″ of ribbon. Sidenote: Do you guys know about Fray Check? The last step it to clip off the (fraying) ends of ribbon at an angle and apply Fray Check.

One more MAGIC DIY to come next Tuesday: Faux turban fabric headbands! Tagged as: bracelets, burdastyle, chain, diy, magic, wwdmagic. Flying Home 3-Wrap Bracelet (Customer Design)