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ICT for Teaching and Learning

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Lesson Plans. Apple's Learning Interchange has many resources for teachers that are made by teachers, including lesson plans that use iPods and iTunes. Some of the lesson ideas include: Learning Math with Music: Students work in groups to create their own rhymes and songs for an entire family of math facts. Individual students record their songs using an attachable microphone.Radio Show: After reading and listening to several radio dramas, student groups write and record a radio drama based on an event or period in history.iPod Reporters: Students explore the basics of news reporting and gain an understanding of why news is news and what their responsibilities are as news gatherers.

Students then plan a class newspaper. There is a search box where you can specify resources that are tagged iPod and allows you to specify grade levels and academic levels. iBooks Author. Pics4Learning | Free photos for education. Primary Preoccupation. We Create - Evidence of Learning on the iPad in Kindergarten.