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Airbnb, Coursera and Uber: The rise of the disruption economy. Twiplomacy. Twitter has become a new way to communicate with world leaders and a way for these leaders to communicate with each other. On the one hand it allows heads of state and government to broadcast their daily activities and government news to an ever-growing audience, on the other, it allows citizens direct access to their leaders. Anyone can @mention a world leader on Twitter. Whether the world leader answers is another question, although a select few do actually reply to their followers’ @mentions.

“Life is tweet”, former UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott recently wrote in The Guardian: “Twitter has given me a voice and a connection to millions of people that the distorted prism of the mainstream media denied.” Indeed, a few world leaders use Twitter precisely to debunk false information and correct media reports. Two thirds of all world leaders on Twitter Presidents, prime ministers or their institutions in 125 countries have a presence on Twitter.

Barack Obama Superstar. If Hackers Didn't Exist, Governments Would Have to Invent Them. The myth of malicious adolescents out to wreak havoc on our technology spurs Internet regulations that are far more stringent than is reasonable. pseuodpixels/Shutterstock The hackers who dominate news coverage and popular culture -- malicious, adolescent techno-wizards, willing and able to do great harm to innocent civilians and society at large -- don't exist The perceived threat landscape is a warped one, which directs attention and resources to battling phantoms, rather than toward preventing much more common data-security problems. According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, the loss or improper disposal of paper records, portable devices like laptops or memory sticks, and desktop computers have accounted for more than 1,400 data-breach incidents since 2005 -- almost half of all the incidents reported. Insider threats, otherwise known as frustrated grown-ups with real jobs, also constitute a significant challenge for information security.

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5 avancées numériques qui transforment nos villes. Life Liberty and Blazing Broadband. Internet Freedom is a fairly obtuse concept. But ask anyone under the age of twenty five abouut the things that are important to them in the world today and you'll heard strands of Internet Freedom in their words. I met with a politician from a farm state the other day. He told me a story about being driven around his home state by a young college educated farmer. He asked the young farmer about a number of key internet issues and the young man recited the key points on the issues back to him replete with the rallying cries of the Internet crowd on each issue. The farmer was as conversant on the points as the tech crowd in San Francisco or New York. I drove with my middle child and two of her friends back to college at the end of winter break back in January when SOPA and PIPA were still very much a live issue.

I have watched my kids closely over the years. Their generation grew up with a computer on their lap and now in their pocket. Pinball & data-driven public policy. Droit à l’oubli : «Internet n’est pas une zone de non-droit» Est-il vraiment possible d’appliquer le droit à l’oubli sur Internet ? Oui, mais il y a certains freins : d’abord, les délais de prescription en matière de diffamation sont très courts.

Vous n’avez que trois mois pour signaler à la justice qu’on vous a diffamé, et comme certaines personnes ne se googlisent pas (taper son nom sur le moteur de recherche Google, ndlr), le délai est souvent passé depuis longtemps lorsqu’elles s’en rendent compte. Quant aux informations qui ne sont pas juridiquement problématiques, par exemple quand quelqu’un écrit quelque chose qui est vrai et non intime sur vous, ou quand vous postez quelque chose que vous assumez sur le moment mais que vous regrettez quelques années après, cela peut-être complexe de les faire retirer.

Avant, on parlait peu du droit à l’oubli ; aujourd’hui, on réalise davantage que poster à tout va peut poser problème. Yann Padova, de la CNIL, dit«Quand vous utilisez un service gratuitement, c’est que le produit, c’est vous».

The web is 20

Is The Web dead? Metabulle. eG8. Twitter joke trial. The 1% rule.