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5 Insights From Social Entrepreneurs On How Business Can Lift People Out Of Poverty. Free exchange: Net benefits. 20 Bold Business Models To Put Companies On The Path To Good. If you're in charge of a company that wants to become more sustainable, there are many ways to go, from tweaking existing processes, to making more fundamental changes.

20 Bold Business Models To Put Companies On The Path To Good

At the bold end are business model changes, where managers rethink every link in the chain. To give companies some food for thought, SustainAbility, a London consultancy, has compiled a list of 20 models serving sustainability ends. Below are 11, with a living example for each. Closed Loop "Closed loop production" is where products are recycled through the manufacturing system. Physical-To-Virtual This helps companies eliminate brick and mortar. On Demand When you produce only when asked, not in large batches. Wok, modelo exitoso de ventajas sostenibles. It's Time To Ban Airline Loyalty Programs. Airlines pioneered the idea of loyalty programs in the early 1980s and variations on the theme have sprung up like mushrooms ever since.

It's Time To Ban Airline Loyalty Programs

So many businesses are plying consumers with rewards, in fact, that gaming these systems has become a little industry unto itself. Yelp, Inc. Yelp, Inc. is an American company that operates , a local business directory service and review site with social networking features.

Yelp, Inc. had more than 100 million monthly unique visitors as of January 2013, up from 71 million on the same time last year. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] Yelp's revenue comes from local business advertising. [ 6 ] [ 7 ] History [ edit ] Early history [ edit ] Yelp’s email-based website from 2004. 5 Tips From Social Intrapreneurs On How To Navigate Complex Corporate Politics. What would Machiavelli say about the politics of a 21st-century corporation?

5 Tips From Social Intrapreneurs On How To Navigate Complex Corporate Politics

Surely, the recent financial crisis, media phone tapping, and other corruption scandals would come as no surprise. In Machiavelli’s world, the means justifies the end. But, what would he make of the political acumen of social intrapreneurs--individuals inside large companies developing products and services with positive societal impact? Fighting Your Business Battles: 6 Lasting Lessons From Sun Tzu's Art Of War. Business has always been tough, but it has gotten even more difficult as competition has become more global, faster-paced and increasingly technology-dependent.

Fighting Your Business Battles: 6 Lasting Lessons From Sun Tzu's Art Of War

So why in the 21st century would it make sense to look to The Art of War by Sun Tzu for business advice, a book on ancient warfare written centuries before the birth of Christ? Good question. The answer is that The Art of War lays out a brilliant strategic philosophy that has proven itself over the millennia in all types of competitive endeavors. Why Google Should Ditch Consumers And Sell Glass To Enterprise Instead. Google doesn't know if Glass is a well-designed product.

Why Google Should Ditch Consumers And Sell Glass To Enterprise Instead

Sure, they put some of their best and brightest onto the task of creating it. But as Paul Dourish argues in his oldie but goodie treatise on interaction design "Where The Action Is," meaningful interaction is created by users, not designers. And after a months-long beta test of Glass with a self-selecting group of geekorati consumers, Google is rumored to be doubting Glass's near-term viability as a consumer product at all.

Instead, Glass could find success as a niche "enterprise solution" for unsexy but meaningful problems in inventory management, financial monitoring, and medical practice. It's a smart move, given how much Google has invested already in Glass's impressive engineering and industrial design. Take Glass's head-movement control shortcuts, for instance. Why Social Sustainability Should Be Part Of Every Business. The Mystery Behind Chipotle's Secret, 1,500-Calorie Super Burrito. Facebook Success Stories. How To Think About Turning Your Products Into Services. Eking out profits from products alone isn’t what it used to be.

How To Think About Turning Your Products Into Services

Thanks to the Internet and global distribution, consumers have access to lots of choices. That’s good for them but not so good for the folks selling those goods. Some companies know that products only get you so far, that services are the future--in fact, services already account for 75% of the global economy. The most innovative companies know that even when they’re selling a product, they’re actually selling the function that it provides. How An Upstart Company In Detroit Is Building An American Heritage Brand. Having your brand name become part of the common lexicon is a marketing coup of the highest order.

How An Upstart Company In Detroit Is Building An American Heritage Brand

Meghann Stephenson. An Ad Agency Starts A Cheeky Liquor Brand, On Its Own. White Pike isn’t the first liquor brand that creative agency Mother New York has worked with.

An Ad Agency Starts A Cheeky Liquor Brand, On Its Own

But it is the first liquor brand they’ve owned. “We’ve always been interested in creating our own brand,” explains Mark Aver, a Design Director at Mother. “We do so much for existing clients but we never get to really live the business.” The agency launched White Pike, a clear whiskey designed to compete in the crowded craft liquor market, in March. Suddenly, Mother found themselves in a role typically occupied by their clients. Eleba club de empresarios.