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Diy projects. I have to say I love me some Christmas time, guys. As much as I hate the cold, the business at the malls once November hits, and the “ohmygoditsallover” that seems to hit me at midnight on December 25th, I seriously live for the holidays and the sweet little traditions that mean so much to me. The other day I broke out the Balsam Pine candles so that our apartment can smell like an entire pine forest and I’ve been doing small happy dances through the Christmas section at Hobby Lobby.

All of those ornaments and decorations are enough to give a girl like me heart palapations. So for all of you holiday lovers, and lovers of the coziness and sweetness that Christmas time brings, this craft is for you. {Step 1} Make sure you have all the supplies needed. {Step 2} Scoop equal amounts of cocoa mix into each jar until about halfway full. {Step 3} Again, refrain from eating all the mini marshmallows.

Like so! {Step 5} Add your “Perfect Mix” labels to the jars. Pretty pretty. But wait. DIY. Flax & twine. Craft Room. Anonymous: Do you have to have instagram in a sorority? The one I hope to get bided on is really big on social media and I deleted mine when I broke up with my bf is that an issue? Will that be a turnoff ? Make me seem less interesting I can’t imagine it would be an issue or come up at all during recruitment. When girls decorate cups for dances, how do they all look perfect? Unless everyone is just extremely artistic, I’d say there’s a good chance stencils are used for the majority of projects.

I will be a junior in the fall and was wondering is rushing weird or a bad idea? No way. I'm about to transfer to another school. The best thing to do is contact your national hq to ensure a smooth transition :) There is a ridiculous amount of activity on this blog but the past month has been submission and question slow. I honestly haven’t ever done this before and haven’t come across any tutorials for that in my years running this blog but hopefully someone can help you out! Craftygirlproblems.tumblr. How To: Make a Pushpin Canvas Board | Apartment Therapy Chicago. How to Make Decorative Clipboards in Crafts, Fun and Thrifty Gift Ideas. Like it? Pin it! A few years ago, I made my first decorative clipboard. They’re fun to use, simple to make, and are a great thrifty gift, too!! I’ve given them to teachers, friends, family members, and… myself!

Would you like to make one, too? Seriously, you can do this!! Here’s how… What You’ll Need: Clipboard {I buy mine at Wal-Mart for $1.00} ~ you’ll want your clipboard top to be similar to the one pictured below… it will allow you to tie on ribbons! Mod Podge ~ I used the Matte variety {found at craft stores} 12×12 regular Scrapbook Paper {not cardstock ~ trust me!} ScissorsRulerCorner Rounder {if you have one}Push pin or Xacto Knife What You’ll Do: The first thing you’ll need to do is trim the paper down to fit the clipboard.Turn paper over and measure with a ruler.You’ll want the paper to be approx. 1/4 inch in from the edges of the clipboard.

Once the paper has been trimmed down to fit the clipboard, use a corner rounder {or scissors} to gently round the corners of the paper… DIY Accessories From a T-Shirt. Dismountcreative. Tutorial: Anthropologie Inspired Fabric Letters. Here's what you'll need: -The letters: I bought the cardboard letters from Joann's. I'm sure you could get them at hobby lobby too.

-A hot glue gun and LOTS of hot glue sticks -Scotch Tape: in case your fingers get tired of being burned by the hot glue- opt for the tape. :) -Fabric: I just used some scraps I had left over from past projects and I bought a couple of fat quarters from Joann's. -Fiberfill -Backing: Now, because Anthropologie uses corduroy on their letters, I was set on using that as well. Step 1: Hot glue fiber fill to the front of your letter. Step 2: This is the most difficult part: Place your fabric on top of your letter and begin pulling it around towards the back. Step 3: You'll notice your fabric didn't quite cover up the sides. Step 4: You'll iron one side of the fabric under 1/4 inch. Step 5: Hot glue the sides you just made onto the letter, then glue it to the back. Step 8: Trace your letter onto the felt or the interfacing. Step 9: Cut out your letter from felt/fabric. Tutorials for Recycling T-Shirts. So way way back, in June, I wrote this Studio Organization post, about starting the process of organizing my studio by cleaning out the closet full of junk.

Well, it's September and...let's just say the closet is a work in progress. Some of the things that are taking up space in the closet are shirts that I never wear anymore. I realized I could repurpose them into something else! Here are some tutorials for recycling shirts: Check out these t-shirt scarves! (I apologize, this site seems to have removed their tutorial for this project.) Create cute little bows for accessories or packaging with this tutorial. Gorgeous ruffled pillow tutorial here. Looks like I have a lot of projects ahead of me to keep me from cleaning out my closet! Blog.

May 27th, 2012 Lace inserts are a popular denim DIY this summer. Usually done with white lace and light denim I wanted to mix it up and try it with black! Sources: (Top Left – Right) 1. Clones ‘N’ Clowns 2. What you Need: Shorts/Jeans – I got mine from Value VillageLace – Mine is the edging of fabricScissorsThreadHand Sewing NeedlePins Loading ...

Categories: Blog, Do It Yourself, Shorts of the summer series May 25th, 2012 One of my favourite parts about thrifting is finding that amazing item that is great quality but CHEAP. Categories: Blog, Thrifted Outfits, Toronto Vintage May 4th, 2012 I think everyone who thrifts has those few items that you look for each time you go. A Little History Coco Chanel is credited for making the tweed suit fashionable in the 1960′s. source: Coco Chanel A lot of Inspiration Today the tweed suit is still popular but in separates. Source: Aime La Mode source: Wendy’s Lookbook (great blog!) Source: Clemence Posey via Fab Sugar source: La Mode Classics: Tweed Jacket Materials. Rosette Bracelet Tutorial! So I posted my What I Wore Wednesday post yesterday and showed off this awesome (ifIdosaysomyself:) Rosette Bracelet I made to wear to a baby shower.

And the crowd went WILD ... all 7 of you! Lol ;) So I worked real hard today to get a tutorial up for ya'll! I didn't take any pictures when I made the white one, so I took this opportunity to make myself a yellow one! Supplies: Fabric - I love remnants and scraps for this Felt - preferably in a color matching the fabric if at all possible, if not, no big Ribbon - 7/8" in a color matching the fabric if you can, if not, use a coordinating color and I've used as small as 5/8" but I prefer 7/8" Scissors & Hot Glue Gun Now this is a typical remnant you might find at your local fabric store and was 29" by 44/45". 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Believe me, I've tried lol You just keep twisting and there's no rhyme or reason to it, just twist until you get the shape and size you want. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. It should look something like this ... ish ... 14. Tutorials. Braided Layered Scarf with Lace Neck. First of all thank you everybody so, so much for your huge response on my jacket! I was quite overwhelmed by all those lovely comments and am sorry, that I cannot get back to all of you individually.

Anyway, I owe it to you, that I can wear that jacket with confidence now! Today's post is about a scarf I finished in about 1 hour. I always wanted to try braiding fabric like American Apparel's fine jersey braided belts. But to give the scarf also functionality I wanted to add a simple wide stripe of fabric to keep my neck warm.You surely have seen similar scarves on the internet, everywhere, and I know that it is no new invention at all.

Nevertheless, I just wanted to share with you the simplicity to make one on your own. I have to admit, that I am a total scarf fanatic. I used some light weight viscose and cut against the straight grain. Cut as many stripes as you like and braid as many ropes as you like. Take some broad lace and pin it onto the seams. MadeByGirl. Projects. * DIY Chic * | Sparkle & Hay Wedding Blog. What a great idea. BBB. DIY Wedding Ideas and Tutorials. DIY Wedding Ideas and Tutorials Posted on August 11, 2009 by Christina If you are looking for DIY wedding ideas and tutorials, you have come to the right place! We have oodles of project ideas for your wedding. Enjoy! TUTORIAL: centerpieces made out of egg cartons and vintage buttons TUTORIAL: flower bouquets in hanging mason jars TUTORIAL: paper flowers from cupcake liners flower centerpiece wheatgrass centerpiece tin can lanterns paper lilies flower-free centerpieces candle centerpieces DIY Paper Flower Bouquet TUTORIAL: wedding program fans 25 diy wedding programs one page scroll programs sewn wedding programs wedding fan template TUTORIAL: chocolate chip cookies in CD sleeves (Free Printables) TUTORIAL: Peony Pockets TUTORIAL: sugar cookies with icing TUTORIAL: gourmet caramels TUTORIAL: candy favor bags TUTORIAL: gourmet caramel corn favors TUTORIAL: candy bar wrappers TUTORIAL: raspberry jam TUTORIAL: strawberry jam TUTORIAL: brownie pops TUTORIAL: sea glass candy FREE TEMPLATE: diy favor cone potted herbs.

Project. I think a lot of us have a contrarian streak - a tendency to resist things that are popular, and especially things that cross the line from popular into ubiquitous. One night in December, Allen and I were driving to a barbecue place for dinner, and we passed a lot of houses decorated with white Christmas lights, and a few with colored Christmas lights, but only a couple with icicle lights - the ones that were so rampant for the last ten years or so. Not the molded plastic ones that are actually shaped like icicles, but the light strings that have smaller little strings hanging off of them. I said to Allen, "Do you think, now that those icicle lights aren't so popular anymore, they're okay for us to start using? " Allen was shocked. "You like those? " he said, indignant. "Yeah, I really like them! "No," said Allen. "What? " "Yeah, nobody uses them right.

"Allen, of course it doesn't make any sense. "You're twisting my words. " So I understand perfectly a natural aversion to trends. DIY | Glamour and Grace. Summer is here and there is not much better than a bright patterned beach wedding to get you in the summer mood! I absolutely love the centerpieces in this wedding! If you are looking for a budget-friendly, non-floral option for your day, this is definitely an idea to check out! Our wedding day was perfect! We wanted an outside wedding, but not a beach wedding, which is hard to come by when you’re getting married on the gulf coast of Florida.

When we saw Postcard Inn we knew it was just the place we were looking for. Our friends and family are what made our day so memorable. All of our decorations were hand made, from the pinwheels to the treehouse; our family and friends were a huge help and so supportive. Our friends, family, photographer, DJ, wedding coordinator and venue truly made our wedding day better than a day we could have ever imagined. Photography | Stephanie A Smith Photography | Venue | Postcard Inn | Florist | Flowers By Design | Cake | A Piece of Cake Share: DIY Braided Fabric Headband « Poor & Pretty. I have been making headbands like a maniac lately! A couple weeks ago, I posted a tutorial on how to make a yarn-wrapped headband, and before that I wrote a guest post for the Jennie Fresa Beauty Library on making bridal headbands.

Today’s DIY is on braided fabric headbands, which I think are the easiest to make. Here it goes: You will need: 3 pieces of fabric. They can be all the same or all different. I used an old shirt, leftover fabric from my bridal headband tutorial, and an old skirt. Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Et voilà! Happy crafting! Like this post? V and co tutorials. Tutorials. Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana. Hello U-Create readers! I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years. When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew.

I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too! Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc.

Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Design. DIY: Anni Albers Washer Ribbon Necklace.