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Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming. It’s important for people to tell you what side they are on and why, and whether they might be biased.

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming

A declaration of members’ interests, of a sort. So, I am going to be talking to you about reading. 26, unmarried, and childless - Converge. “What’s Next?”

26, unmarried, and childless - Converge

Both of my brothers recently had kids that more than likely complete their families. They’re both older than me, so it makes sense they’re at a different stage. They met and married their wives, they bought dogs and they had kids, all in a nice little sequence. I love watching them build their lives together. The Scandal of the Evangelical Heart. “It’s right for God to slaughter women and children anytime he pleases.

The Scandal of the Evangelical Heart

God gives life and he takes life. Everybody who dies, dies because God wills that they die.” – John Piper “Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.” – Thomas Paine. If The Earth Could Talk. The Quiet Gay-Rights Revolution in America's Churches - Molly Ball. A shift among people of faith is moving public opinion -- and changing gay Americans' lives in profound ways.

The Quiet Gay-Rights Revolution in America's Churches - Molly Ball

For most gay Americans in the 20th century, the church was a place of pain. It cast them out and called them evil. It cleaved them from their families. It condemned their love and denied their souls. Love Your Lower Body! Jumping Jacks, Hunger and Questioning Technology — Editor's Picks. This week I had the privilege of attending Foocamp 2013, an unconference put together by O’Reilly Media that brings dozens of brilliant people together to discuss anything from politics to technology to faith.

Jumping Jacks, Hunger and Questioning Technology — Editor's Picks

The attendees pitch the sessions and that’s just about the only rule. As I was preparing to leave for Foo, I thought a lot about the topics that I wanted to discuss with the Foo community. Specifically: Hackathons and how we can make them better, ensuring the open source movement is thinking about sustainability and better supporting those learning how to code.

Why millennials need the church as much as the church needs them. Opinion by Rachel Held Evans, special to CNN (CNN) – For a time, I counted myself among the spiritual but not religious, Christian but not churchgoing crowd.

Why millennials need the church as much as the church needs them

Meaning Is Healthier Than Happiness - Emily Esfahani Smith. People who are happy but have little-to-no sense of meaning in their lives have the same gene expression patterns as people who are enduring chronic adversity.

Meaning Is Healthier Than Happiness - Emily Esfahani Smith

For at least the last decade, the happiness craze has been building. In the last three months alone, over 1,000 books on happiness were released on Amazon, including Happy Money, Happy-People-Pills For All, and, for those just starting out, Happiness for Beginners. One of the consistent claims of books like these is that happiness is associated with all sorts of good life outcomes, including — most promisingly — good health. Many studies have noted the connection between a happy mind and a healthy body — the happier you are, the better health outcomes we seem to have. In a meta-analysis (overview) of 150 studies on this topic, researchers put it like this: “Inductions of well-being lead to healthy functioning, and inductions of ill-being lead to compromised health.”

What’s a body all about — Better Humans. Our bodies are the conduit through which we experience and interact with the world.

What’s a body all about — Better Humans

In my life I’ve seen an evolvement of how I think about and interact with my body. I started lifting weights at about 12. The main reasons being it was something to do, I liked the competitive nature of it, and muscles. I wanted big muscles. The Cherubic Hymn No. 9 by Gavriil Lomakin (1811-1885) YOU ARE YOU. Visualizing the Infinite Beauty Of Pi And Other Numbers. Bereaved. Paper Roses. Art Journaling 101 - abstract - create explore paint. How do you start an art journal?

Art Journaling 101 - abstract - create explore paint

"Art journaling is about the {creative process} of pulling together color, words and images as you wish on a page. Unlike many other forms of art, it is not about the outcome. "Tammy Garcia Original post 2008 * Updated March 2014 Welcome to Art Journaling 101 If you are just starting to bring art into your life, or wish to introduce kids & teens to art journaling, check out Art Journaling 101 for Kids, Teens & Beginners. I'll begin with a note that the type of art journaling that I talk about is very loose and free and unencumbered by rules. 1. 1,000 Artist Journal Pages by Dawn DeVries SokolSpilling Open: The Art of Becoming Yourself. Granola: A Documentary. Terri Roberts, Mother Of Amish Shooting Perpetrator Cares For Her Son's Victims.

By Daniel Burke Religion News Service LANCASTER, Pa.

Terri Roberts, Mother Of Amish Shooting Perpetrator Cares For Her Son's Victims

(RNS) Terri Roberts was eating outside with a co-worker on a bright October day when an ambulance wailed nearby and a helicopter swooped overhead. As she often did at a sirens' sound, Roberts said a quick prayer. Gordon: Faith + Ideas. By Mark Sargent For my first teaching job, I was assigned a small, windowless office on the second floor of the library. At that stage of my career, moving in was a do-it-yourself affair, so I convinced some friends to help, but only after some late-night basketball. We hustled to the library moments before midnight, just as the librarian trimmed the lights. With risky grace, he loaned us the key, a few flashlights, and a battery-powered candle. The move took only an hour, including a few gratuitous games of laser tag in the dark stacks.