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Code Exchange. Arduino & Raspbery Pi. Top 10 Things to Connect to Your Raspberry Pi. During my time with the Pi I’ve experimented with various devices and sensors. Here is my Top 10 list of devices to connect to the Raspberry Pi. In most cases they are very cheap and easy to interface and are great building blocks for more complicated future projects. I’ve included links to more detailed posts where I can and many of these include example Python scripts to help you get going. From robot cars to security systems there are plenty of ways of combining these mini-projects into some amazing creations! Ultrasonic Module Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic transducer modules are an easy way to add distance measuring capability to your Pi. Take a look at my “Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Using Python” posts to see how you can connect one to the GPIO header and read it via a simple Python script. PIR Movement Sensor PIR Module Simple “Passive Infra-Red” sensors allow you to detect movement.

An example python script can be found on the “Cheap PIR Sensors and the Raspberry Pi” page. Build an LED Indicator with a Raspberry Pi (for Email, Weather, or Anything) The Raspberry Pi makes a nice compact platform to attach an indicator light to for all sorts of projects—weather notification, new emails, etc. Read on as we show you how to hook up an LED module to your Pi and set up some basic notifications.

Why Do I Want to Do This? Because it’s fun. Unlike many of our tutorials where we include a little blurb at the top outlining exactly what benefit you’ll derive from the project, the blurb is pretty short in this case because the benefit is simply having fun. The Raspberry Pi is a perfect device to play around with, experiment with electronics, and learn some programming. What Do I Need? To follow along with out tutorial you’ll need a few things. In addition to having a functional Pi unit with Raspbian installed on it you’ll need the following things: Note: The clear/frosted Pi case is entirely optional but if you’re currently using an opaque case then your LED indicator will be hidden inside.

Installing the LedBorg Installing the LedBorg Software. Raspberry Pi without keyboard, mouse nor screen. &emdash; Edmundo Fuentes. I’ve been wanting to mess around with a Raspberry Pi ever since the day it was announced. The thing is, right now I’m studying abroad, so buying a dedicated set of peripherals (keyboard, mouse, screen, etc..) was not an option. However, it occurred to me that I could use my own MacBook as my RPi’s HMI. After checking some sources and asking around on the IRC channel, I found out that it could be done, so without hesitating I ordered myself one.

I’ve written this little guide to help you configure your RPi with a lightweight VNC server to get you started in case you lack the hardware peripherals. 0. I’m not going to get into much detail here since it’s been widely discussed on the web. 1. This is actually the “hardest” step since it’s pretty much guessing and a little bit of luck. I’m using my MacBook’s built in “Internet Sharing” feature, I’m sharing my internet connection from WiFi to my ethernet port, to which the RPi is directly connected. 2. > ssh pi@192.168.2.X Congrats!

3. 4. . #! 20 Awesome Projects for Raspberry Pi Microcomputers. Return to View video at: Prof Simon Cox Computational Engineering and Design Research Group Faculty of Engineering and the Environment University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. V0.2: 8th September 2012 V0.3: 30th November 2012 [Updated with less direct linking to MPICH2 downloads] V0.4: 9th January 2013 [Updated step 33] First steps to get machine up 1. I originally used: Updated 30/11/12: My advice is to to check the downloads page on and use the latest version. 2. You will use the “Write” option to put the image from the disk to your card 3. 4. . $ sudo raspi-config 5.

. $ passwd 6. . $ exit 7. 8. . $ sudo apt-get update 9. Best of 2012: Raspberry Pi Projects. It’s been a big first year for Raspberry Pi, the $35 mini Linux computer. As soon as they started shipping, makers were eager to get their hands on the board so that they could use it in their projects. In just a few months, we’ve seen a ton of great Raspberry Pi projects come our way. Below, we’re recounting some of our favorite projects in no particular order. We’re looking forward to seeing what you do with Raspberry Pi in 2013. BeetBox Sets Standard for Vegetable-based Instruments For the ITP classes Tech Crafts and Materials and Building Strategies, Scott Garner created the BeetBox, a tuber-based electronic drum machine.

How-To: Solar-Powered Raspberry Pi FTP Server This build uses a custom 3D-printed / hand assembled case from RPi hacker Cottonpickers, which comes attached to the back of a 300mA solar panel. Tune in Tweets with Magpi Radio “Magpi Radio uses text-to-speech to read tweets coming in from various channels. Matt Richardson Related. Some Christmas lights projects.

I haven’t even put my tree up yet, but lots of you have been very busy with the Christmas decorations and your Raspberry Pis. Here are some projects you’ve still got time to emulate before Santa comes. take the whole Internet of Things idea seriously, and have wired up their office with a positive welter of fairy lights and a networked Raspberry Pi. They invite you to come and turn the lights on and off, watching the torment of their employees over a live feed. I took this screengrab from the feed from their office yesterday, and I don’t know whether to feel deep pride or terrible, terrible shame over the fact that these poor people are being subjected to this visual horror in their office courtesy of a Raspberry Pi. A quiet moment. A screen grab from the live feed. If you’re looking to do something a little less flashy, but still useful, here’s an easy one, which I found linked to from our forums .

A very easy piece of GPIO wiring! Rumtopf: you should sell these. | Build your own RC Car using Lego, an Xbox Controller and a Raspberry Pi. When I was a child I always wanted a remote control car. I never got one — usually my parents convinced me that the novelty would wear off in an hour, and that it wouldn’t be worth the expense. (They were probably right). I usually opted for a safer videogame-based option at Christmas time, and on my birthday I’d ask for Lego.

The Raspberry Pi — a tiny, low-power computer that fits in the palm of your hand — provided the inspiration for a project to finally put that right. Using bricks from my childhood Lego collection, and a wireless Xbox 360 controller from my teenage years, at long last I could hack together a remote control car! Not exactly simple I’m a programmer by trade, but any knowledge of electronics learned during University apparently died at graduation.

There have been similar attempts to control RC cars from an Xbox controller: This project takes it a step further because the Raspberry Pi is a complete computer, so all the hardware lives on the car. Building the Chassis. Marshmallow Entertainment System | gamaral – Software Engineer. Back when I was a kid, I decided I wanted to make my own game console. Granted I also wanted to be an astronaut and the first man on Mars, but I had to draw the line somewhere. Marshmallow Game Engine started as a way for me to keep my cross-platform game engine chops up during my spare time (not that I have that much spare time mind you). But with the advent of both powerful and affordable hardware like the Raspberry Pi, I started looking into creating my own game console again, and I have to admit, I’m very excited.

Thanks to the wonderful Raspberry Pi, I’m finally able to create an affordable DIY console kit for my game engine. The following are some common components in game consoles, I’ll go through the list so you can get an idea of how the end product will work. Controllers & Ports Luckily the RPI has a couple of built in USB ports. Not all USB controllers will be supported, but I will target the most common ones in the beginning, user submitted mappings will soon follow. Back Front. Raspberry Pi Lapdock HDMI cable work-around. Abstract: I recently acquired a Motorola Atrix Lapdock and tried to get it working with my RasPi. Unfortunately, something was wrong with the micro HDMI cable, specifically some cheap HDMI cables do not implement the individual ground lines. I came up with a temporary work-around. I thought people might be interested in the combination of detective work and exploration that got me to the solution. Also, some of the Lapdock analysis I did may be useful to others.

I first read about the Motorola Atrix Lapdock quite a few months ago. I had thought of using Lapdock for RasPi, but I couldn't find enough technical information to tell if it was possible and I wasn't willing to fork over US$100 for something that might have been impossible to interface. So I ordered a Lapdock along with the cables and adapters that Drew recommended, including a short USB A male to A male adapter as in Update #2.

I was very impressed by Lapdock when it arrived. So where to begin? 1 HDMI A19/D1 = hot plug. How to connect your Motorola Lapdock to your Rapsberry Pi | DaveDen. Over at the Raspberry Pi forums, a lot of people have come up with a lot of great ideas for connecting the Pi to a Motorola Lapdock. There are so many ways to do this, in fact, that I found it really difficult to figure out which one I should go with. I couldn’t even keep all the parts straight in my head, so I made a diagram: EDIT 9/28/2012: If your Pi is model B revision 1.0 + ECN0001 or revision 2.0, then you don’t need connections 3, 4 or 5. Also, you don’t have to cut the 5v wire in connection 2.

This makes things a lot simpler, so it is a good idea to get one of these later boards if you can. See this post for the instructions to find out which revision you have. It’s a little bit confusing so I’ll explain what the various lines mean: Once I had a diagram, I set out looking for the parts. Note: Some of the parts described below have multiple names. Disclaimer: I can’t vouch for any of these websites. Connection 1: Display You can find this cable at LINDY UK. Connection 4/5: Power. Raspberry Pi laptop. My last post showed how I assembled a portable Pi using a 3.5" composite LCD.

Well, I've got a better option this time around, the Motorola Atrix lapdock! I recommend checking out this insightful blog which details how to use it with the Pi: Raspberry Pi and Atrix Lapdock . Adafruit also has a helpful video from Becky Stern on how to hack together an appropriate USB cable: With those , the Pi can be powered via it's USB host ports as an alternative to the micro USB jack. This is great for the Atrix lapdock as it was designed to both power the Atrix phone and connect it to USB devices over the same connected. This means that at all. Here's my setup: A close-up of the back of the lapdock with micro HDMI on the right and micro USB on the left: male micro to full-size male HDMI cable female micro type B to female USB type A USB cable male Type A to male Type A USB cable {*style:<i> </i>*} I highly recommend buying an Atrix lapdock while they are still available for cheap.

{*style:<i> </i>*} Cheers, DaveDen | Dave's musings on programming, parenting, the Gospel, video games, music, movies, etc. Qt 5 based 3D Wayland compositor. Upcoming board revision. Update: Added locations of mounting holes. Fixed minor error in I2C paragraph. Clarified expected use of P5 connector. Update: A lot of people are asking when revision 2.0 boards will appear in the wild. They’ll be filtering out over the next month as the last stocks of the revision 1.0 at each distributor and in each geography are exhausted. We don’t believe that the changes are large enough to make it worth “holding on” for revision 2.0, unless you have a specific requirement to add an audio codec or you need mounting holes for some industrial application. In the six months since we launched Raspberry Pi, we’ve received a lot of feedback about the original board design. There has been a small change to the GPIO pin out of revision 2.0, to add ARM JTAG support and to present a different I2C peripheral from that which is (heavily) used on the camera interface.

Reset A reset circuit has been implemented, although in the standard build the required header is not fitted. USB Output Power. Raspberry Pi laptop. My last post showed how I assembled a portable Pi using a 3.5" composite LCD. Well, I've got a better option this time around, the Motorola Atrix lapdock! The Atrix lapdock was originally intended for Motorola's Atrix Android smartphone. It didn't sell very well for it's original purpose, so you can pick one up for around to $50 to $100 on eBay and Amazon. I ordered mine from eBay for $50 (shockingly my seller is now listing at $199). It was listed as refurbished but is in great condition. The beauty of its 11.6" HD display is a stark constrast to my 3.5" composite LCD: I recommend checking out this insightful blog which details how to use it with the Pi: Raspberry Pi and Atrix Lapdock.

However, the USB cabling described in the above blog and video is only needed for Raspberry Pi's that have F1/F2 polyfuses. With those polyfuses gone, the Pi can be powered via it's USB host ports as an alternative to the micro USB jack. My cables and connectors (from left to right): Cheers, Drew. Cables & Adapters for the Atrix Raspberry Pi Laptop. View topic - I made a Raspberry PI Laptop. I've just ordered a 0.5m Micro HDMI to HDMI cable for it which should remove a massive amount of cable. The Atrix Lapdock has a MALE Micro HDMI and a MALE Micro USB connector I use a FEMALE Micro HDMI to FEMALE Micro HDMI adapter I also Bought this FEMALE Micro USB to FEMALE USB A adapter cable I Cut off the USB A FEMALE end and also cut a standard Micro USB cable in half.

I attached 5V & GND to the micro USB end and GND, D+ and D- to the USB A Male. This means the the 5v + GND lines from the lapdock usb goes to the micro usb connector and powers the Pi and the Data and ground lines go to the USB A Male like any USB peripheral and connect to the PI USB port to connect the keyboard and the trackpad. This allows the Lapdock to power the PI from its battery / mains adapter and gives me an 11.6" screen , a keyboard and trackpad. The screen is crystal clear and very bright. Raspberry Pi and Motorola Lapdock. Here's some info for those interested in setting up a Motorola Lapdock to work with the Raspberry Pi. This is extremely easy to set up and should work without the need for any hardware modifications.

I used the Atrix Lapdock, which can be found between $50 and $100 on various websites. I used the Debian Squeeze image from the Raspberry Pi downloads section. I haven't had luck with Arch Linux ARM. Parts List ~Raspberry Pi ~Motorola Lapdock (Atrix works) ~1 USB Male to Micro USB Male cable (Standard cell phone cable) ~1 USB 2.0 A female to Micro USB B female adapter cable FF ~1 Micro HDMI Type D Female to Micro HDMI Type D ~Female Connector Adapter Gold ~1 USB Male to USB Male cable*You will need to open this cable and cut the red 5 volt wire* ~1 MICRO HDMI to HDMI cable *Please note, my Micro USB and Micro HDMI ports are reversed on my Lapdock due to a previous modification unrelated to the Raspberry Pi.

Sound through HDMI Credit veryevil from RaspberryPi forum Wifi Useful Links. Dale's Blog: Makey-makey Raspberry PI Soundboard. Brian's Life: Wii Controller + Raspberry Pi + Python = Awesome!! Proof-Of-Concept. Raspberry Pi Review & Initial How-To Setup Guide - TechSpot Reviews. Raspberry_Pi. First Steps with the Raspberry Pi: Introduction. Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte!