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XFN - XHTML Friends Network (Navigation privée) XFN™ (XHTML Friends Network) is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks. In recent years, blogs and blogrolls have become the fastest growing area of the Web. <a href=" rel="friend met">... To find out how to write and use XFN, or to write a program to generate or spider it, read the following sections: Introduction and Examples Introduction to XFN, examples, styling suggestions, and future potential. Getting Started Join the XHTML Friends Network in just four easy steps! Profile Version 1.1 of the XFN meta data profile: the list of the values used in XFN with their significance.

Background The thinking that went into the design of XFN, why particular values were chosen, and why other values were left out. Frequently asked questions about XFN. XFN Tools A collection of tools, templates, editors, communities, and other resources that let you edit XFN information. XFN and ... How to use XFN with numerous social network services and other technologies. Press. Network science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Navigation p. {{Scienc[1] e}} Network science is an interdisciplinary academic field which studies complex networks such as telecommunication networks, computer networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, and social networks. The field draws on theories and methods including graph theory from mathematics, statistical mechanics from physics, data mining and information visualization from computer science, inferential modeling from statistics, and social structure from sociology.

The United States National Research Council defines network science as "the study of network representations of physical, biological, and social phenomena leading to predictive models of these phenomena. "[2] Background and history[edit] The study of networks has emerged in diverse disciplines as a means of analyzing complex relational data. The earliest known paper in this field is the famous Seven Bridges of Königsberg written by Leonhard Euler in 1736. Department of Defense Initiatives[edit] Density[edit] . Social Media Classroom (Navigation privée)

Yammer. The social network theoryLa teoría social de redes — Conectivism. By S. Thüer This third week the course of Conectivismo -with George Siemens and Stephen Downes as facilitators- is oriented to reflect on the networks. The theory of networks is of which they are begun mentioning a pair of things that seem obvious but that quickly go more and more comlex. Like the mathematical one.

In a sentence, the theory of networks consists… “To discover how A, who is touch with B and C, is affected by the relationship between B and C”(John Barnes) Barry Wellman’s slides [ppt] begins saying simple things like these. The connections between nodes are “ties” and the theory of networks studies the patterns of relationship, the emergent properties that indicate microsociological studies of Homans or Simmel.

At Wednesday’s session Valdis Krebs gave us some interesting examples of things that can be analyzed through Social Networks Analysis (SNA) methodology. Key Opinion Leaders Porn Star HIV Network Can you find the terrorists? Key Opinion Lider Porn Star HIV Networks.

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