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Créer un serveur Subversion. Configure svn for xcode in leopard locally. I need to setup svn to work within xcode. Have tried to setup in Tiger but was not sucessful. But this time with Leopard, it was much easier. This is what you need: 1. The latest xcode 3.1 2. Apache 2.0 3. svn Both Apache 2.0 and svn are packaged with the latest Leopard 10.5. This is basic setup and only for local machine access. This setup for Tiger machines only and you can skip the installation for Apache and SVN if you have Leopard installed. Confgure Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0 is located at /private/etc/apache2 if you are using the default copy in Leopard. Edit the httpd.conf file to include the following; i.e. sudo vi http.conf because you need root access to modify the file. Change the listen port to 8080: #Listen 80 Listen 8080 Load the Subversion related Modules LoadModule dav_module libexec/apache2/ LoadModule dav_fs_module libexec/apache2/ LoadModule dav_svn_module libexec/apache2/ Start Apache.

INFO : Enregistrer message dans un fichier de prisonniers MSG. This article contains code that demonstrates how to save a message to a compound document--specifically an .msg file--that is readable by any client that supports the .msg file format. The function below takes a valid message object as an in parameter and uses its properties to create a duplicate of the message and save it to a compound file using the .msg format. The subject line of the message is used as the file name of the new file. NOTE: Special characters in the subject line of the in parameter of this function can cause unexpected results.

While code can be written to avoid special characters in the subject line, it is not germane to the topic and such code is intentionally left out. All versions of Outlook and the Exchange Client support CLSID_MailMessage as the compound document. The only reason to use a different CLSID is to support other clients that use a different CLISD when you write messages to structured storage. ( ) Flood fill. Recursive flood-fill with 4 directions The algorithm[edit] recursive flood-fill with 8 directions Depending on whether we consider nodes touching at the corners connected or not, we have two variations, Eight-way and Four-way, respectively. Stack-based recursive implementation (Four-way)[edit] One implicitly stack-based (recursive) flood-fill implementation (for a two-dimensional array) goes as follows: Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color): 1.

If target-color is equal to replacement-color, return. 2. Though easy to understand, the implementation of the algorithm used above is impractical in languages and environments where stack space is severely constrained (e.g. Alternative implementations[edit] Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color): 1. Most practical implementations use a loop for the west and east directions as an optimization to avoid the overhead of stack or queue management: Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color): 1.

Pseudocode[edit] The variables: Efficient Polygon Fill Algorithm With C Code Sample. Efficient Polygon Fill Algorithm With C Code Sample © 2007 Darel Rex Finley. This complete article, unmodified, may be freely distributed for educational purposes. Before reading this page, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the point-in-polygon algorithm. While the point-in-polygon algorithm is useful for determining whether a few points are inside a polygon, it is woefully inefficient for filling a polygon, because it requires checking every side of the polygon for every pixel in the image. To speed things up tremendously, we will check each side of the polygon only once per pixel row. It works like this: Figure 1 Figure 1 shows a polygon.

Figure 2 Next, sort the node list so that it proceeds from left-to-right, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 Now, as shown in Figure 3, it is a simple matter to fill all the pixels between each pair of nodes — from node 0 to 1, node 2 to 3, and node 4 to 5. C Code Sample Send me an e-mail! Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD. Lagoa Multiphysics 1.0 - Mind blowing physics engine demonstration HD.

More Packages - MacTeX. TWG | MacTeX | Donate | FAQ | Fonts | Help | References | Support | Acknowledgments | TUG A Smaller Distribution This page contains an alternate TeX Distribution, BasicTeX, for users who do not want to download the full TeX Live. BasicTeX is a subset of TeX Live; it is much smaller than TeX Live and yet supports most standard TeX typesetting. BasicTeX has been updated to TeX Live 2013. To use TeX on the Mac, it suffices to install BasicTeX and a front end. But most of these pieces are not really necessary if space is at a premium. MacTeX-Additions [ approximately 272M - 18 June 2013 ] MacTeX-Additions contains everything in MacTeX except the actual TeX distribution. Mactex-additions.pkg BasicTeX [ approximately 86M - 03 July 2013 ] BasicTeX is a subset of TeX Live designed for easy download by users with limited download speed.

BasicTeX.pkg BasicTeX.pdf (about the BasicTeX distribution) Maze Generation: Kruskal's Algorithm. 3 January 2011 — Using Kruskal's algorithm to generate random spanning trees—or mazes — 5-minute read For the third article in my series on maze algorithms, I’m going to take a look at Kruskal’s algorithm. (I’ve previously covered recursive backtracking and Eller’s algorithm.) Kruskal’s algorithm is a method for producing a minimal spanning tree from a weighted graph. The algorithm I’ll cover here is actually a randomized version of Kruskal’s; the original works something like this: Throw all of the edges in the graph into a big burlap sack. The randomized algorithm just changes the second step, so that instead of pulling out the edge with the lowest weight, you remove an edge from the bag at random.

Let’s walk through an example manually, to see how the process works in practice. An example For this example, I’ll use a simple 3×3 grid. The algorithm is straightforward: simply select an edge at random, and join the cells it connects if they are not already connected by a path. Conclusion.


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