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Modern Campaign

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North Mack Equipment - NSwiki. Weapon Concepts. Pimp My Gun (beta) RKKA in World War II. First of all again sorry for a long pause in updates. Now the reason for those was my business with some other projects. For example in getting copies of German aerial photographs. Also I need to perform coordination of different kinds of archival research work. (Some results of this activities you can see in my Raw materials section) Besides this it seems now I'm involved into another huge project devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

As usual, any your help both financial and moral is much appreciated! January 30, 2010 Important note! Right now Russian copyright law changed and libraries refuse to make digital copies of the sources published later than in 1938. Be sure, they are more than enough for making monthly updates for 100 years of hard work.... Alex aka AMVAS. Seraph City.