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Large collection of Free Microsoft eBooks for you, including: SharePoint, Visual Studio, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Office 365, Office 2010, SQL Server 2012, Azure, and more. - Throughout the year I try to share resources and information with you that I think will be helpful for you. Often times these resources will include links to free eBooks that we make available on a variety of topics. Today, I thought I would post a large collection of eBooks for you here so that you can find them in one place and consume them as you see fit. Also, if you find this list helpful, please share it with your peers and colleagues so that they too can benefit from these resources. Due to the incredible popularity of this post, I’ve added a second post on even MORE free Microsoft eBooks and Resource Kits available for you, in case you are interested. I hope you find these resources to be helpful in learning about and using the various solutions and technologies referenced.

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