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Rotating Cube. HTML Beautifier. Online HTML Beautifier tool can process an html document and reformat it with a correct indentation of tags and syntax highlighting.

HTML Beautifier

By applying HTML beautifies to your HTML code will improve the layout and indent style of the resulting HTML code. When an html document is edited is very easy to mess the code making it unreadable. Especially if you use many nested DIVs (or even worse nested TABLEs) it can become difficult to remember how the document is structured. HTML Beautifier will help you to solve many of these problems. Online Code Beautifier for JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP. Single page template. Format Conversion Tools For HTML5 Audio and Video. Useful Legal Documents For Designers (PDF/DOC) Contracts are a source of anxiety and dismay in creative work, but they exist for a good reason.

Useful Legal Documents For Designers (PDF/DOC)

A good contract ensures that you and your client have the same expectations, and protects you in case things go south. Ideally, your contract should be a combination of industry standards, legal protection and personal preferences. To help you get started, here’s a set of 10 basic agreements for a variety of common business situations that creative professionals face.

HTML5 Video Player. HTML5 Bookmarks - daily news articles and bookmarks. Rendera - Online HTML5 Editor. HTML5 Playground. Responsive Design Testing. jQuery content slider.