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300 Icons for Designers & Developers. Metrize Icons is a free icon set, it works perfectly for your apps or web projects.

300 Icons for Designers & Developers

You may use these icons for both commercial and personal projects and customize them any way you like. All Icons, WebFont and Updates are Free. The download includes: PSD (Single Shape Layer) SVG (Single Icon 512 x 512) EPS AI PDF Web Font The bundle also include Metrize Font Icons, inside you will find a simple guide how to use the webfont with @font-face, the necessary scripts for compatibility with IE7 and the complete character map.

Big thanks to Icomoon App for creating/editing the webfont. Enjoy Metrize Icons. Next Release In the next release I would like to add support for PNG and CSH. License You are free to use Metrize Icons (the "Icon Set") or any part thereof (the "Icons") in any personal, open-source or commercial work without obligation of payment (monetary or otherwise) or attribution. Do not sell, sub-license, rent, transfer, host, redistribute the Icon Set. Amazing Facebook Redesign. Facebook’s current design is not bad.

Amazing Facebook Redesign

Sure it can be slow and can sometimes not work at all, but when it does work it works very well. It was meant to be kept minimal and clean so that users can easily browse the site. But Fred Nerby has come up with a redesign concept for the social media giant which blows it out of the water. He’s come up with his own vision of what Facebook should look like. He’s redesigned a lot of the main pages you would see when you browse the site, including the login screen, profile page and fan pages.

Author: Oliur Rahman All posts by Oliur Rahman. Générez des captures d’écran de produits réalistes avec PlaceIt. Mercredi 2 janvier.

Générez des captures d’écran de produits réalistes avec PlaceIt

Free resources for designer and developers.


Free Weather Icons In PSD & AI – Climacons. Design elements related to weather are frequently used in any type of design and here is a nice icon set to visualize the weather conditions.

Free Weather Icons In PSD & AI – Climacons

Climacons is a set of 75 free pictographs that has items to reflect almost any type of weather. They are available bıth in .PSD + .AI in single layered files and free for personal and + commercial projects. 20 Awesome Resources for Twitter Bootstrap Lovers. Generators Bootstrap Custom Build Before diving into great third party Bootstrap resources, it’s worth pointing out a great little tool right from Twitter that allows you to completely customize an impressive range of Boostrap features so that you can create a custom build that’s perfect for your project.

If you haven’t checked out Bootstrap in a while, you should give this a look because it’s new with Twitter Bootstrap 2.0. Not only can you use it to take an overweight download and transform it into something lean, you can also save yourself a lot of CSS work by customizing colors, fonts etc. before you even initiate the download. As with Twitter’s own tool above, this tool allows you to use a simple interface to customize various aspects of Bootstrap. The app itself is also more visual than Twitter’s generator and allows you to see what your styles will look like before you hit that download button. Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers Theming. Blog : où trouver des images libres de droits et/ou gratuites ? Lorsqu’on écrit pour un blog, on est parfois amené à chercher sur le web des illustrations.

Blog : où trouver des images libres de droits et/ou gratuites ?

Le mieux est encore de le faire dans les clous, en respectant le droit d’auteur et les conditions d’utilisation des images. Voici une liste de services en ligne qui permettent de trouver des images en tous genres. Using the 6 pages template. Micro Icon Set.


Kuler. Ajaxload - Ajax loading gif generator. iPlotz - wireframing, mockups and prototyping for websites and applications. Zoning, wireframe, maquettage, prototype ... : les meilleures pratiques. Zoning, wireframe, maquette, prototype, voici des termes qui ne vous sont pas anodins, puisque nous les rencontrons de plus en plus dans le monde du Web, notamment dans les phases d’initialisation des projets.

Zoning, wireframe, maquettage, prototype ... : les meilleures pratiques

Mais savez-vous réellement ce qui se cache derrière chacun de ces termes, qui désignent l’ensemble des techniques et des outils qui permettent de maquetter graphiquement, fonctionnellement, ergonomiquement un site Web ? Tout d’abord utilisée dans la création de logiciels lourds avant la phase de développement, cette technique de conception a progressivement été adoptée, et est aujourd’hui conseillée par les professionnels du Web. ceci dit, il arrive encore couramment que l’on fasse l’amalgame entre les différents termes. Parallèlement, le nombre d’applications permettant de réaliser des wireframes ou des prototypes ne cesse d’augmenter, avec à chaque fois de nouvelles spécialisations.

Les différentes notions derrière ces termes Un zoning Exemple de zoning Un wireframe Une maquette 1. 960 Grid Bookmarklet. Design Bookmarklet. Design is a suite of web-design and development assistive tools which can be utilised on any web-page.

Design Bookmarklet

Encompassing utilities for grid layout, measurement and alignment, Design is a uniquely powerful JavaScript bookmarklet. Using Design is extremely simple: Drag the Design link below to your bookmark bar (or add it to your bookmarks by right clicking the link and selecting 'Add to bookmarks/favourites'): Load any web-page you want Click Design in your bookmark bar Load the design component you wish to use by clicking on it in the Design control panel.

Design features the following components: Grid - overlays a highly configurable layout grid over a web-page.