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Fullcalendar. Facebook API. Google API. CMS. Validating PHP User Sessions Page 4. First of all, because of the public computer risk, your design should be such that the logout button is always visible when logged in, so that the user can easily log out at any time.

Validating PHP User Sessions Page 4

Your PHP configuration options (or custom script) should be set so that sessions will “timeout” after approximately 20 minutes of inactivity. If you don’t have access to the PHP configuration options on shared hosting and it doesn’t timeout after 20 minutes or so, then you should store the “last access time” in the session itself and destroy the session if it is accessed after a time of inactivity. Also, if you manually set a cookie (using a custom script) you should set it so that it is destroyed when the browser window is closed not by an expiration date (PHP’s session_start() sets the cookie this way by default).

Just-add-water CSS Animations. Sweet tabbed navigation bar using CSS3. Although I don't understand why animations have been added in CSS3, this upcoming standard does have a couple of very neat features added to the CSS we're using today.

Sweet tabbed navigation bar using CSS3

I wanted to take a couple of these new things, and create a Sweet tabbed navigation using CSS3. This tutorial takes on the following CSS(3) properties: rgba opacity text-shadow pseudo selectors rounded corners gradients box-shadow As you could expect, this demo only works in browsers that support the new CSS3 features. This code fully works in Safari / Firefox 3.6, but hasn't been tested in other browsers. Before we do anything fancy with CSS, we'll need a decent backbone in the form of HTML. Creating Content Tabs with Pure CSS. As CSS3 has started gaining more popularity and more browsers are starting to support it, many common interactions that you would expect from a website that were created using JavaScript are now being replaced by pure CSS solutions.

Creating Content Tabs with Pure CSS

Today I’ll show you how to create an animated content tab using only CSS. Disclaimer: The purpose of this post is to show you the possibilities of CSS3. CSS Gradient Background Maker. Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator

Quisque neque est, accumsan eu pellentesque vitae, pharetra aliquam arcu. Cras posuere, metus eget euismod laoreet, turpis ligula pellentesque arcu, quis euismod nisi lorem at tortor. Sed in ante non nisi consectetur lobortis. Etiam dictum ultrices mollis. Sed et feugiat magna. Mauris elit augue, bibendum ut viverra consequat, posuere vel metus. Nullam dolor dolor, pharetra id eros ac, eleifend mollis est. Creating a CSS layout from scratch - Subcide. To implement the header, we need to get the background image applied to the header div, replace the “Enlighten Designs” heading with a graphical logo, and position it in the correct place on the header (the dark grey bar to the right).

Creating a CSS layout from scratch - Subcide

First create 2 images like the ones below (or just save these ones): /images/general/logo_enlighten.gif /images/headers/about.jpg The first part is easy. Set a background image in the CSS using the format below: The background property that we just used is actually a shorthand property which allows us to specify the background colour, image, image position, and how the image repeats, all in one property. Now replace the “Enlighten Designs” text with the logo image. Now we have to position it on the right where it should be. The reason we used padding-right instead of margin-right is because margins can often trigger weird bugs in IE if used in certain places. 8 Layout Solutions To Improve Your Designs. Advertisement The organization of content is probably one of the most important and influential aspects of any good web design.

8 Layout Solutions To Improve Your Designs

Organizing information into a well-built layout is the basis of a website, and should always come before styling concerns. Without a good layout, the website doesn’t seem to flow correctly, and nothing connects the way it should. In this article, we’ll discuss 8 useful layout solutions and techniques that will help you create a clean and organized content layout. The 8 techniques include sliders, tabs, progressive layouts, structured grids, modal windows, rollover elements, accordions and mega drop-down-menus. Comprehensive guide to .htaccess- intro. Tutorial written and contributed by Feyd, moderator of the JK Forum, with additions by

Comprehensive guide to .htaccess- intro

Please see tutorial footnote for additional/bio info on author. Last updated: Jan 18th, 06' for additional section. I am sure that most of you have heard of htaccess, if just vaguely, and that you may think you have a fair idea of what can be done with an htaccess file. You are more than likely mistaken about that, however. Regardless, even if you have never heard of htaccess and what it can do for you, the intention of this tutorial is to get you two moving along nicely together. PHP Tutorials Examples Storing Images in MySQL with PHP. Storing Images in MySQL with PHP Storing images in MySQL by Kevin Waterson.

PHP Tutorials Examples Storing Images in MySQL with PHP

PHP File Upload.

Embedded HTML editor