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Video School. Content » Video. Animated short films. Short films, experimental and free to watch. Images - Ten Shades of Noir. Free scene analysis Essays and Papers. Eisenstein's montage theory. Montage--juxtaposing images by editing--is unique to film (and now video).

Eisenstein's montage theory

During the 1920s, the pioneering Russian film directors and theorists Sergei Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov demonstrated the technical, aesthetic, and ideological potentials of montage. The 'new media' theorist Lev Manovich has pointed out how much these experiments of the 1920s underlie the aesthetics of contemporary video. Eisenstein believed that film montage could create ideas or have an impact beyond the individual images.

Two or more images edited together create a "tertium quid" (third thing) that makes the whole greater than the sum of its individual parts. Screenwriting.