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Multitouch technologie - David Merrill demos Siftables. Wearable computing. Touchwall: Microsoft’s Inexpensive Wall-Based Multi-Touch Interface. Bill Gates will demo a new multi-touch computer and interface today called TouchWall at the Microsoft CEO Summit in Redmond. TouchWall refers to the touch screen hardware setup itself; the corresponding software to run TouchWall, which is built on a standard version of Vista, is called Plex. TouchWall and Plex are superficially similar to Microsoft Surface, a multi-touch table computer that was introduced in 2007 and which recently became commercially available in select AT&T stores.

In a demo yesterday, though, Microsoft Office Labs GM Chris Pratley and Director of Envisioning Ian Sands said that the two products are completely different. Surface is a multi-touch and vision system that uses cameras to sense what is on the table, where it is and what it is doing. TouchWall is a fundamentally simpler mechanical system, and is also significantly cheaper to produce. TouchWall consists of three infrared lasers that scan a surface. More pictures below: Update: More TouchWall video here. Ambient Insight | Waves of Innovation. By Sam S. Adkins, Chief Research Officer This article was originally published in the ASTD eLearning newsletter in June 2007. The information in the article is based on the report, "The US Corporate Market for Learning Services: 2007-2012 Forecast and Analysis. " There are now waves of new learning products hitting the global education and training industry. On the surface it appears like open source technology is the most significant wave.

It is certainly getting the most attention. Yet, a "big-picture" analysis reveals that open source products are just part of the story. These trends can be conceived as a concurrent series of innovation waves that go beyond the concepts and business models of open source software licenses. The first wave is cresting and it is the shift away from classroom-based instruction to electronic instruction.

The learning paradigm of the first wave is a one-size-fits-all model that can be characterized as compliance. The impetus for the first wave is training. Surface. Uitous Computing.