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Rubistar - online tool for creating Rubrics. "How to Say Nothing in 500 Words" E-Learning: Inaugurele rede Jeroen van Merriënboer: Betekenisvolle leertaken als ruggengraat voor het onderwijs. Overheids Accelerator Toolkit voor MOSS 2007. DutchUniversities < Dmi < TWiki. TagCrowd - make your own tag cloud from any text. Back To School: Edu 2.0 Brings the Classroom to the Web - AppScout. There are a number of ways to bridge the digital divide. One of them is to immerse students in as much technology as possible to help them learn not only about the technology itself, but also how technology can help them with their regular studies.

Many Web sites and Web services offer online classroom environments and learning management systems that allow teachers and instructors to create digital classrooms for students to read material, interact with one another, and respond to assignments and quizzes, but San Francisco startup Edu 2.0 takes the digital classroom a step further. The service does much of what the traditional online classroom does, but focuses on collaboration and group learning, areas in which other services often lack. The service is especially great for home-schooled students, students in small classes and seminars, and study groups because of the amount of control that instructors have over the course material and how it's accessed. Workrave. Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design.

WAD - Web Assignments Database. Information Mapping®/Structured Writing/Learning Objects-Table of Contents.